best wedding vows ever heard

Best Wedding Vows Ever Heard

Best Wedding Vows Ever Heard: Love is more than just a feeling. Love is more than flowers, cards and chocolates. It’s about respecting, trusting, laughing and being there for each other through the rough times as well as the good. In this reading, I’m going to share one such love story with you. On his wedding day, the groom took out a piece of paper from inside his jacket and said, “This is that list of romantic things to do for your wife after marriage which I promised to make.”

Best Wedding Vows Ever Heard for Him or Her

I’m grateful

I, [name], take you, [name], to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband.

I promise to love you and honor you, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live.

I cherish our inside jokes and the way we met. I’m grateful that our love started with a simple “hello.”

I promise to always be there for you when times are hard, because that’s how I know it’s real.

When I look at you, all my problems melt away. When we are together, I feel like the luckiest person on earth.

You Complete me

[spouse’s first name]—I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone before, and I promise to always stay by your side. We’ve been through so much together, and I know that we’ll be able to get through anything that comes our way.

I have loved you from the moment I met you, and I will continue to love you for the rest of my life. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and the person who completes me.

You are the funniest person I’ve ever met in my life. You make me laugh every day with your silly jokes and antics, but also with your beautiful soul. You’re the kindest person I’ve ever known, but sometimes even kindness can’t make up for your lack of coordination!

You are loyal and honest above all else—and those qualities make me love you even more than if they were perfect or something.

Faithful to you

I, [name], take you, [name], to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife.

I promise to love you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. I will be faithful to you and honor you all the days of my life.

I promise to never leave you or forsake you, no matter what life brings our way.

I promise to make time for us to connect, even when it’s hard. I will never stop growing as a person because that’s how we grow together.

I promise to always encourage you and support your dreams, even when they may seem impossible at the time.

I promise to encourage honesty between us so we can grow into better versions of ourselves than ever before!

Together for Life

I, [name] take you, [name] to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love, honor and cherish you all the days of our lives.

I promise to laugh at your jokes even when they’re not funny, and I promise to love you more than anyone else ever could. I promise that no matter how hard things get, we will face them together. I promise to always be there for you and support you in everything that you do. And most importantly, I promise that no matter what happens in life—whether it’s good or bad—we will always be there for each other through it all.

Commit myself

I, [name], take you, [name], to be my lawful wedded husband/wife.

Before these witnesses, I commit myself to you, body and soul, for all of our days.

I promise to be there for you when you need me, no matter what. We’ll laugh together through the hard times and grow closer in the good ones.

We’ll be there for each other in sickness and health, through the storms and through the sunsets. We’ll always be by each other’s side. And I will love you until the end of time.

You are the best thing

Dear [name],

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I remember the first time we met, and I knew right away that you were someone special. You were wearing a scarf that was so long it dragged on the floor behind you, and you were wearing a huge pair of sunglasses even though it was nighttime. You said “hello” in this soft, shy voice, and I could tell that you were nervous but also just bursting with excitement.

I love how much thought you put into our relationship, even though we only just met. Your attention to detail is incredible—when we go somewhere together, you’ll always notice something about the place or the people around us and ask questions about it, then remember it later when we’re talking about something else entirely. Sometimes it feels like there are two of us in this relationship—a romantic couple who get along really well and have fun together, and then another version of ourselves that’s more like friends who can spend all day laughing about weird things people say at parties or trying to guess each other’s favorite foods without looking at each other’s answers on paper!

It makes me feel so lucky to be with someone who brings out my best self every single day.

Partner, I love you.

I love how you make me laugh until my stomach hurts and then laugh some more. I love how you can’t remember what we did last weekend, but you still know how to make my coffee exactly how I like it. I love your commitment to wearing a tie every day of the week, even when it’s summertime or if we’re on vacation together. I love that you don’t seem to care if anyone sees us kissing in public—and that you are always willing to give strangers a show!

We’ve been through a lot together, and there’s no doubt in my mind that our future is going to be just as magical as these past few years have been. And although we may not be able to see it all ahead of us… one thing is certain: whatever happens, we will face it together.

I promise to always be there for you

I promise to stay with you through the good times and the bad, until death do us part.

I love your eyes and your smile, your laugh and your sweet smell. I love how you always bring me coffee when I’m stressed out, how you support my dreams, how you always make me feel loved and cared for. I promise to always be there for you through thick and thin, no matter what comes our way in life—no matter if it’s a job loss or a car accident or a battle with cancer. We’ll face it together because that’s what partners do!

I love how we can spend hours talking about our pasts—exciting dates we’ve been on and funny moments from high school—because it helps me get to know the real you better than anyone else has before. And even though we’re only going into our second year together, it feels like we’ve been together forever because there’s nothing that can keep us apart!

You are my best friend

I, [name], take you, [name], to be my wedded wife.

I promise to love you as much as I can and as long as we both shall live.

I will laugh with you in our times of joy and cry with you in our times of sorrow.

I will love your quirks, your habits, and even your little flaws.

You are my best friend, my partner in crime, and the love of my life.

Love and Cherish you

I promise to always love you and cherish you. I promise to always remember the first time we met, when we were both on vacation in a tiny town in Vermont and I saw you walking down the street, and I was struck by how beautiful you looked. You were carrying a book and wearing a white dress, and you had the most incredible smile on your face.

I couldn’t resist going up to you and asking if I could take your picture. You were so kind, so easy to talk to, and so interested in what I had to say that it was only a matter of minutes before we were sharing stories about our travels around the world together.

I can still remember how long it took for us to get off of that street corner because we couldn’t stop talking!

Greatest Fan

I promise to be your greatest fan, your most trusted confidant and advisor, and your biggest cheerleader. I will always believe in you and support you in all that you do. I promise to love and respect you just as much on the bad days as well as the good ones. I will be there for you when things are difficult, to help you see a brighter tomorrow, and celebrate with you when things go well.

I promise to build a family with you

I, [name], take you, [name], to be my partner in life.

You are the love of my life and I promise to always be there for you.

I promise to always encourage you and make sure that you know how much I appreciate your efforts. I promise to build a family with you and grow old with you.

I will always try my best not just to keep up with your pace but also catch up with it so we can walk together through this journey called life.

All my Promise

I promise to always be your best friend, and to always be there for you when you need me. I promise to make you laugh, and to never stop trying to make you smile. I promise to do my best to make you feel loved, and to always be honest with you.

I promise that even when we disagree or have trouble communicating, I will always respect your opinions and ideas. I promise that no matter what happens in our lives, we will always look back on these moments together as some of the best in our lives.

I promise that you’re the love of my life, and no matter where life takes us or what happens next, I’ll never forget just how lucky I am that we found each other.

Partner in Crime

I promise to be the person who will never stop making you laugh.

I promise to be the person who will always find the best in you, even if you can’t see it yourself.

I promise to be the person who will help you find your way when you’re lost, even if that means getting lost together.

I promise to be the person who never gives up on us, even when life gets hard or confusing or scary—especially then!

I promise to be your partner in crime, your best friend, and your biggest fan.

You’re kind

When I first met you, I thought you were a little weird. But then I got to know you and realized that there was nothing weird about you at all—just different. And different can be good!

You’re not like anyone else in the world, and I love that about you.

You’re kind and generous, but also funny and quirky. You make me laugh every day. You make me think about things differently than I would have before we met. You make me feel safe, like nobody else could ever hurt me again. And you’re always there when I need someone to talk to or just be with me while I’m doing something mundane—like going grocery shopping or watching The Bachelor.

I am so grateful for everything this relationship has taught me about myself and what it takes to succeed in life: that it’s possible for two people who are as different as night and day to complete each other in ways neither would have imagined on their own; that we can be ourselves 100% of the time without being judged by another person; that being vulnerable is not a weakness but an opportunity to grow closer together; and finally, that love is not something we give or receive but something we share freely with another human being.

Also See: Unique Wedding Vows Examples for Him or Her

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