I Want You To Be Happy Without Me Quotes

I Want You To Be Happy Without Me Quotes

I want you to be happy without me quotes – I want you to be happy and I always want you to laugh. Even I’m around or far away just stay happy. See more quotes below.

I Want You To Be Happy Without Me Quotes

  1. I want you to be happy without me, I want to relieve you from the pain I have caused you. I want you to live life, and find love again. You are a magnificent person and deserve the best in this world. I hope that someone will show you kindness, better than I ever could. You have my blessing, as you find happiness in another man.
  2. I want you to be happy without me. I wish you the best with all that life has to offer. I hope that you find the happiness I couldn’t give you.
  3. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to find someone like you. I know it will be hard but I want you to be happy without me. I’ve thought about this for a long time and it’s for the best if we let go of each other and start fresh. I love you so much and I hope we can stay friends!
  4. You’re the most important person in my life. I’ve loved you for a long time, and I continue to love you more and more every day. I care about you so much that it hurts me when our relationship causes you pain, which is why I want you to be happy without me in your life. You deserve someone who can give you what you need, someone who can love you like you deserve to be loved. And since I’m incapable of doing that….
  5. I don’t want you to be sad when I’m gone. I want you to be happy with yourself, your life, and the people who will surround you. Enjoy life because it’s short. It has been a great honor knowing you, and being able to call you my best friend. I love you!
  6. I want you to be happy when I’m gone. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it’s time for me to let go and move on with my life. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I love you enough to give it to you.
  7. I want you to be happy without me. Sometimes, it’s hard to see clearly through the pain and hurt. And sometimes, it just takes a minute to realize how big things really are. It can take a while before you’re able to think straight, but take your time. Be sure that it’s over, because once it is, there’s no going back. I love you and I will always care about you. Never forget that.
  8. I want you to happy without me. I want you to be happy. I want you to find the happiness I could not give you. I want you to find someone who can make all your dreams come true.
  9. I want you to be happy without me. I don’t want you to worry about me anymore. I just want you to live your life and find somebody who makes you happy and loves you for who you are.
  10. I want you to be happy without me this is something I have come to accept. I am willing to let go of anything that is not meant for me in order to make room for things that will make me happier. I am so glad that this breaking point has come. Let’s go years separate and see where we land. As odd as it may sound, I believe we will always be best friends, if not more. We are meant to be in each other’s lives forever.
  11. Hey, I’m just quickly taking a moment to write and let you know that I hope you’re doing alright. You don’t deserve any of this and I want you to be happy without me. So whatever you do, keep smiling and please forgive me for being so stupid, for doing something so heartless, but most of all; please know that I love you.
  12. I want you to be happy even when I’m not around. I want you to find love and joy, even if that means him being your number one. When we are together it’s hard to imagine sharing you with anyone else, but truthfully I don’t mind. As long as you are happy, and not questioning it, then I will be okay with anyone who tries to steal a piece of your heart.
  13. I want you to be happy without me. I want seeing me to bring a smile not a tear. I want to remember only the good times, and forget the rest. I want you to be free to find love that is real, and become everything that you always imagined.
  14. I want you to be happy without me. I hope that you find someone who truly makes you smile and flips your world upside down! I want you to be so in love with them that you can’t even think about the time we spent together. I want you to look back at these times and think that they were funny, or thoughtless and not nearly as important as they should have been. I want you to find the happiness in your life that us together was simply unable to give you.
  15. I want you to be happy without me. But I can’t imagine that happening, because there’s no one I’d rather be with than you. I love your heart, your mind and your beautiful soul. You inspire me to be a better person every day, and I hope that even when we are apart that you know how much I do love you, miss you and want nothing more than for nothing but happiness for you in every part of your life.
  16. I want you to be happy without me. I know it’s hard to trust anyone, but please try and find someone who can make you as happy as I have made you sad. I know it’s going to be hard and the nights are going to be long, but keep your head up and swallow that tear. Know that one day someone will come along and love you just as much as I do.
  17. Dear Jane, I want you to be happy without me. I know we are through and that it is for the best. You are with someone who makes you happier than I do and that is why it is time for me to leave. Just know that I will always be a friend to you, I would never do anything to hurt you. You will always hold a special place in my heart as one of my best friends and as the woman who introduced me to true love.
  18. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I want you to be happy without me. I love you and want that for you, because I love you.
  19. Dear ex, I want you to be happy, whether it is with me or without me. However, if we ever got back together I would be the happiest man alive. I’m going to try to figure things out but if I don’t and life leads me elsewhere, I hope you will find happiness, no matter what you do. If all works out and fate keeps us together forever, I know that we will have many years and a wonderful marriage ahead of us. I love you so much.
  20. I want you to be happy. Even though I will miss you, and I don’t think I could ever replace you in my life, I want you to be happy. No one can replace you in my heart, but I also won’t stand in your way of happiness. You’re a great guy and I hope everything works out with someone that deserves as much love as you do.
  21. If we can’t be together, I want you to be happy. It will be hard for me, but I want you to know that my love for you is so strong that it will always endure.
  22. I am going to miss you so much. I want you to be happy without me. When all this is over, please remember that I love you very much…
  23. I want you to be happy without me quotes and all my love sayings i want you to be happy, i want you to be happy and i love you so much.
  24. I want you to be happy without me. I know we can’t be together anymore, but I want you to be fine. I want you to focus on yourself and do all that you want in life. You are wonderful and beautiful, and any man that gets the chance to have you by his side should make sure that he never lets you go.
  25. I want you to be happy without me. Don’t get me wrong, in the rest of my life it will simply be over, but when it comes to you, I want your eyes to light up when you see someone that takes your breath away. I want your heart to skip a beat in his presence and be filled with joy every time he is near. I want your body to tremble with excitement at the mention of his name and welcome him anytime he wants you.
  26. I’ve found happiness within me, so that the thought of losing you doesn’t bring pain. I want you to be happy without me, so it doesn’t hurt to think about me. I want you to experience all that life has to offer and not just what we shared. It’s better this way, not because I don’t love you anymore, but because I know this is best for you and me.
  27. I’ve done everything I can to make you happy, but it just isn’t working. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to leave me. Because I want you to be happy without me…
  28. I want you to be happy, but I need you to know that I will always love you. I know our time together wasn’t perfect, but it was ours and I treasure it. You are important to me and I hope that one day we will have the chance to catch up with each other’s lives.
  29. Being without you has been hell. I miss you more than words can express. But I want you to be happy, because that’s all that matters. I hope one day your heart will come back to me and we can be together again.
  30. I want you to be happy without me. I love how you’re my best friend. We can talk about anything and it’s always easy to get through. You make me happier than I’ve ever been and I want nothing more than for that to remain the same for a long time. Love you!
  31. I want you to be happy without me. We can’t go on like this and honestly, I don’t think I can spend my life with you and pretend anymore. I am with someone else now, someone who loves me and makes me better, happier than I’ve ever been. It’s quite a revelation really. I thought I only loved you! But I was wrong and it tore me up inside to realize that. So goodbye dear friend and lover.
  32. I want you to be happy without me. I want you to meet someone who cares about you and loves you like you deserve. I want you to marry them, have kids with them and live long and healthy lives together. I know that this is unlikely and that the chances are slim, but I want it more than anything else in the world. I know that my time left here won’t be very long, so I hope with all my soul that you are happy when I am gone.
  33. I want you to be happy without me. I want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me. If that makes sense? I want you to find happiness, I want you to laugh and smile, the way you used to before we met. I don’t want your memories of us together to be tainted by me.
  34. I want you to be happy without me, I really do. I know it’s harsh but we both deserve to be happy in this moment… I know that you are happy because you’re with him and I know that it’s too hard for me to be a part of your life when you’re so happy with him.
  35. If I never see you again in my life, I want you to be happy with or without me. We were once a couple and I shared some of the best years of my life with you. I have no regrets, but I do wish that there could have been a way to make things work. Good luck in the future, may all your dreams come true.-Love, Andrew

Also See: I Just Want You To Be Happy Even If It’s Not With Me Quotes

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