20th Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Parents: Parents who have been married for twenty years might be a rarity if the statistics are anything to go by. The truth is, marriages don’t last these days and getting to a twenty-year anniversary is a matter of few and far between. But whether your parents got married at a young age or later in life, they deserve an anniversary that will cement their bond even further. Here I have created 20th wedding anniversary wishes for Parent, select anyone that fit as share with them.
20th Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Mom and Dad
- As a daughter I wanted to say thank you for being the greatest parents that I could have ever hoped for. And as a wife I’m glad that you taught me all that I know about being in a relationship. Happy 20th Anniversary Mom and Dad! Love always, Love you both!
- The two of you mean the world to me. There is nothing like loving and feeling loved by your parents. And like all children, I can’t believe how fast time passes. You’ve been the best parents ever and we couldn’t ask for more. Your love and wisdom have guided me and shaped me into who I am today and I thank you with all my heart. Having you in my life has made it so wonderful and I will always be so grateful.
- I want you to know that I love you very much. I admire the hard work both of you have put into making our family something special. You are both role models for me, I’ve learned so much from being around you both and gotten a front row seat to happiness and true love, something I hope one day to share with someone special. Happy 20th Anniversary!
- I can’t believe my parents are celebrating 20 years together! It is amazing they have stuck together this long. I know it’s not easy, especially with two kids, but I am so proud of them both. They have always been there for me, through the bad times and the good, their love has always stayed strong. Happy 20th Anniversary!
- I never thought that a love like this could actually happen. I have been happy since the day I met you because you have made me complete. I cannot begin to express how much I love you and appreciate all the things you do for me! You are not just my parents but my true friends. Happy 20th Anniversary!
- There are only a handful of things that really bring me joy in this world, but lucky for me I have two of them sitting right here. Many times, there is someone who doesn’t get the spotlight shone on them enough and that’s my mom and dad. They both were always there for me to support and guide me. Showing the love and attention that makes people want to be better and do better. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- I love you more than words can say! You have always been my biggest supporter and I am so lucky to be your daughter. You and mom have finally made it – twenty years – and I couldn’t be happier for you. Thank you for always being there for me and teaching me the true meaning of love and marriage. May this be the first of many anniversaries to come! Love you!
- I want to thank you for all your sacrifices over the years for taking us on vacation every summer, sending me to private school, organizing our field trips, driving me to swim meets. I am so thankful for the love and support that you have always provided. You give more than anyone could ever imagine or deserve. I miss your hugs, your laughter and your stories every day. Have an amazing anniversary! May marriage be good to you both!
- You showed me how real love should be when I was a little girl. You always showed me respect and never criticized my choices. You were there for me through my good times and the bad ones too, and taught me to never give up. I’m so lucky to have parents like you. I love you. I hope we continue to show each other what real love is in the years to come!
- I can’t express in words how lucky I am to have you as my parents. You have always been so supportive of me and so caring. I hope that I can hold onto the positive examples you have set for me for the rest of my life.
- Many years have gone by since I’ve been blessed with you forever. My life began on that very day and everyday has been a gift from God. You both have given me the greatest gift of all, eternal love! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for being my parents. Your unconditional love is what led me down the path in life I am on today and I will never forget it. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- Sometimes I remember life before you came into my life how empty it was, how much for joy I had missed. I’m grateful that God brought you to me, that he brought us together for this adventure called life. You are the best parent that anyone could ever wish for, and I thank God every day that he placed you in my life. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- My mom and dad, I know it’s been a long 20 years, but you have proven to me that your love grows stronger with each passing year. I am so happy to be able to call you mom and dad for the rest of my life. Your love has taught me all I need to know about marriage, love, and life. I will be forever grateful for that. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- Dad, Mom, Happy Anniversary! 20 years together!!! I’m so proud of you for staying so strong. I know life has been a challenge at times, but you made it through and gave us a great life! Love you, my parents.
- I love you both so much. The past twenty years have brought us much happiness. I hope the next twenty will be just as amazing. You brought me into this world and have been there for my whole life. I know that no one will ever love me the way you do!
- My parents, I love you both. You have been a guiding light for me since day one. Thank you both for always being there to help me, whether it be by cooking or cleaning, or just simply listening. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us as a family! I love you so much. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- Since the moment you came into this world, our family has been blessed. We count ourselves among the luckiest in the world when we think of how long you have been our parents. You’ve not only brought us into the world, but have always loved us unconditionally with your entire being. A love that can be felt throughout the house, even with your son at college and your daughter about to leave for work of Saturday mornings. We are lucky to have you as parents, Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- There are so many things I could say about being your daughter, but there are none better than saying that you are the best parents in the world! You have always been there for us since day 1. For every card I sent home, every good grade I got in school, or when I needed advice about anything, you were always there to help me. Having the best parents in the world is something that never go out of style. And if style is what it takes to show our appreciation for you both. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- As parents, you showed us the right way to live. You taught us how to stand up for what is right and wrong. You guided us on our road of life and showed us the true meaning of family. We had it pretty easy growing up, but had all our needs met. It wasn’t until we became adults did, we appreciate everything you have done for us. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- Now that you have been married 20 years, I can’t help but feel so grateful to have you as my parents. You have been role models of what a strong, loving, and Godly marriage looks like. I love you both so much and am so lucky to have been raised by two amazing people. Happy Anniversary!
- I won’t let this moment pass without telling you how lucky I am to have you as my mother and father. I want to take this day and your 20th anniversary to tell you how much you mean to me and how important you are to my happiness. You have given so much of yourselves to me, taught me so much and guided me through the ups and downs of life. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be able to add “Mom” and dad. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- I wish everyday could be like this. A year of fun and lots of love. As we celebrate 20 years, I couldn’t be happier, we’ve made the perfect life. I love you more than ever and thank God for such a wonderful Mom and dad. I only wish you both a life full of warmth, happiness and joy. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- I love you both more than you would ever know. You have shown me what it means to be family and gave me a home I always wanted. I will never forget the happiness that you have given me over the years, or the memories that I will always cherish. You are my parents who I love most in the world. A lifetime of happiness to you both!
- Mom and Dad, you have been married for 20 years! WOW! As you celebrate this amazing milestone, I want to thank the both of you for teaching me so much, from important lessons to how to drive a stick shift. Without your love and support I wouldn’t be the man I am today. Thank you for always being there in every situation. Love always, your daughter.
- Hello parents! If you’re reading this, then it means that you’re almost done celebrating your twentieth wedding anniversary. It would be such a shame to miss such an important day in your lives, so here I am to remind you of the many reasons why I love each and every one of you. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- You have been there for me through everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. In ways I am grateful to have you two as my parents. Thanks for all your support. I can’t wait to see what is in store for us in the next 20 years. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- Mom and Dad, I was just thinking about the day you said “I do”. It was the best day of my life. You guys have been married longer than all of my jobs combined! I know you both as a couple as well as a parent and as a friend all three are equally important to me. I couldn’t ask for a better pair to love and support me over the years. Through the thin and thin, your love has remained strong and true. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- It has been two decades since you two promised to spend the rest of your lives together. I’ve learned how true love can be and what it means to be in a relationship that lasts. You both have meant so much to me and taught me so much, and for that I am thankful. This year we will celebrate 20 years together, and just like many more to come. Happy 20th wedding Anniversary!
- Happy 20th Anniversary Mom and Dad! 20 years ago, I never could have imagined the love you would give me. Thank you for being the best parents I could have ever asked for. You are my role models, my best friends, my everything. I love you both so much!