It’s normal to get angry with your husband sometimes but how do you express those emotions in a way that makes sense? What are some good angry messages for husband quotes? [so here is article which contains 50+ sample].
Angry Messages For Husband
- What do you think you’re doing with another woman? And what did I do to deserve this from you!? You have a beautiful family at home you asshole! Here’s a message for you: I hate your guts, and I hope your affair goes really really well. You make me so mad. I’m done.
- Why don’t you care about me? You used to love me… What happened? Ever since you started working you’ve been ignoring me, cheating around on me and treating me like crap. I’ve never felt so lonely. I just want to know if this is what a marriage is supposed to be like? Is it worth all the fighting and the pain?
- This is the first day in the rest of our lives. Today I’m going to start something new, something better. I want a divorce. Not just because you are never around. But because our marriage is over. It’s clearly not working out. I don’t think we should be together anymore. It was a mistake from the beginning, and it will be best if we end it now before it’s too late.
- For real you suck at this. You’re not just bad, you’re boringly bad. You got nothing going on in that head of yours. I wouldn’t even say you’re trying hard enough to make me mad because it’s obvious you don’t care enough to even keep trying. If the only thing you ever do is send me a card like this every year for the rest of our lives, I honestly don’t know how I’ll manage to even fake a smile when I see it laying
- I married you because I thought you were a nice guy, but now I found out you’re a cheater and that you have a bad temper! As your wife I deserve honesty and respect! You will never change!
- Honey, we need to talk. I am so upset with you right now. You are never home and you haven’t touched me in months! It makes me feel like you are not happy with our relationship. I know we need to spend more time together, but you never make the time! I don’t think this marriage is going to last much longer if we can’t communicate.
- I have tried very hard to be a good friend, partner and lover over the past year and I’m sorry to say it hasn’t worked. You’re unbelievably immature, possessive and jealous. I will no longer tolerate your childish behavior. As long as you continue to act this way there will be no second chance!
- You are so dumb! I can’t believe you just did that! What are you thinking? I’m trying to have fun but all you do is complain! You ruin everything. You’re a jerk and nobody likes you, not even your family. We will all be better off once you are gone.
- Hey, there’s no need to get so defensive! I thought we had an agreement that when you spend money on things that I don’t end up using, it’s fine with me so long as you ask me first. Seriously? Is there something going on here that I should know about? You don’t need to be such a jerk.
- Hey there! Uh, listen.. I’m not sure how to put this, but we’re going to need to work on our communication skills. No really, we are. I have been thinking a lot lately about the way we converse and interact with each other, and well.. I can’t say that I’m particularly thrilled with the outcome.
- I am madly in love with you, more than you could ever imagine. So much that it hurts. You are not the man I married! You just don’t even acknowledge me anymore. The times we spend together are so fake and unreal, it’s like we’re just roommates. No fun, no romance and no sex! When did you turn into such a jerk?! I don’t know where our marriage went wrong? What happened to you?
- Your loving wife Ann is so angry she could scream! How could you do this to me? We had a deal! You promised me, you promised me that today we would go on a date. But you never showed. Not that it was a big deal anyway. I can’t believe how inconsiderate and selfish people are today! You know what? F*ck you! I am going to kill myself because nobody else gives a shit about me like I do.
- I have listened to you. Now it’s time to listen to me. I have never cheated on you and I am tired of you accusing me of cheating with my ex. It is always about him and every relationship I have ever been in. You are making too much of it and if you want a divorce then just be honest with your feelings but stop being so angry all of the time.
- I am so angry at you! I can’t believe how badly behaved you are! We’ve been married for ten years and this is the first time we ever fought! Well, I’m the one who’s fighting, but it’s your hormones’ fault. It makes me so furious seeing you looking like a stupid little boy when you clearly are a grown up man. You just stand there like an idiot, unable to reply with words.
- I can’t believe you forgot our anniversary again! I am so angry at you. How could you be so selfish and inconsiderate? I told you a thousand times what day it was, but still no calendar reminder. Don’t bother coming home, I don’t want to see you.
- Baby I am trying to be nice. But you are still here and staying out because you pissed me off. If you can’t handle a simple request every now and then then we need to start talking about going our own ways. I hate confrontation, but you are making me doubt why I even put up with this shit anymore. If you just cared enough to be home when I asked you too then I wouldn’t have to deal with this right now. You don’t deserve my love or my kids’ love anymore.
- Are you f*cking kidding me!? First of all, you are the one who told me to go on a diet. Then you turn around and tell me I’m not attractive because I’ve lost so much weight? You can be such an asshole sometimes! Who is it that you want me to be? It’s nice that I go out of my way to do things for you, but when I’m gone more than I’m home you are constantly nagging at me.
- I am fed up with your tantrums, I am fed up with your lies, and I’m fed up with you treating me like a doormat. You are a selfish pig and no woman would be lucky to have you as a husband. My family have been right all along – you are no good for me. I’ve had enough.
- Why would you leave me, why would you cheat on me, who was it? Do you even care about our family and your child?! You are the worst husband ever and I hate you.
- I love you so much, but you’re a f*cking asshole. I know it’s not your fault, but sometimes it just infuriates me. You have so many good qualities. Why do you insist on making me suffer? I’m so f*cking fed up with this marriage. I’ve put up with the same crap for so long. Enough is enough! If something doesn’t change soon I can’t take it anymore. We need to fix things or else I’m out of here.
- I used to have feelings for you, until this morning. You have been nothing but a huge disappointment to me lately. I thought we could work it out, but I was wrong. You are the most selfish person I’ve ever met in my life. I can’t believe I wasted 5 years of my life with you.
- Are you kidding me? Why would you do this to us? I don’t care if you are having a bad day or not, that is no excuse to take it out on me. I am surprised and disgusted at your actions, I have given up so much time and effort into this relationship and it doesn’t seem to matter. Just because you haven’t gotten laid in who knows how many days doesn’t mean that you can just stop talking to me. You made me a promise to always be honest.
- I am so tired of the ridiculous things you say, selfishness. I can’t take it anymore. You have obviously chosen your friends over me. Do the right thing, then we will see about getting you some help for your mental problems. Don’t think for one second that there is even a slim chance of us working this out because I’m done.
- We have been married for 10 years. I know this is not the first time you cheated on me, but it will be your last. No woman will ever have a decent life with you again. You’re going to pay for everything that you made me go through and get a divorce fast.
- You are a horrible husband, father and person. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time with you. I deserve more than what you can give. I can’t believe that I was stupid enough to believe your lies. We are finished.
- I’ve had it with you. I want a divorce. You are the most selfish person I have ever met. You don’t care about me and only care about your own needs. You are a loser, and will always be a loser. Don’t you dare call me anymore, I never want to see your face again.
- You have hurt me beyond words. Your promises are meaningless and I don’t think I can ever forgive you. But I’m trying to understand that you have some great qualities. You have made me feel special when it seems like everyone else has given up on me. But if you would just be there for me when I need you, maybe things could be different.
- Hey, I am tired of doing all the work around here. You don’t help me with anything, you just take and take. This is our place and I will not have you ruining my things. If you think it’s a good idea to start smoking in the house [What are you smoking???] then you should move out! It is MY apartment, MY house and MY rules. Go ahead and leave if that’s what you want… I can live without you.
- Look, I know you have a lot on your mind. And if you have time to read this, I know you also have a lot of excuses? But it’s not just me anymore. It’s our son too. I’m really flattered that you’re spending your nights looking at other women, finding them more attractive than me but don’t forget who took care of you when your career wasn’t moving as fast as you would have wanted.
- My dear husband, I am so angry at you for being late that I don’t even want to look at you! Love me? Are you kidding me? You have one hour to get home or else something might just snap! Oh! And don’t think that little puppy dog face is going to work either. If you are not back here in one hour, I swear to god I will scream so loud that everyone within a ten mile radius will come running. You better be back here before the time.
Also See: Angry Message For Busy Boyfriend