Angry Text Messages To Send To Your Girlfriend

Angry Text Messages To Send To Your Girlfriend

Angry Text Messages To Send To Your Girlfriend: To all the guys out there who are just freaking out about sending an angry text to your girlfriend, WOW I feel for you. Here’s an angry text message that I think you should send to your girlfriend right away. This one has been tested with much success!

Angry Text Messages To Send To Your Girlfriend

  1. Ever since we got together, I’ve always been so angry with you. I’m sorry but sometimes it’s impossible for me not to be mad at you. You’re always staying out late and refusing to call me when you say you will. I could understand losing my cool with a stranger or a friend, but it’s hard not to blow up on someone who is supposed to be your true love. It sucks that we always fight over stupid things like this. I want you to try and make things work.
  2. I love you so very much. I just want to let you know that. I know we have had our ups and downs, but with your patience and my kindness I know we can work through anything. My love for you will never change, because it is true, nothing can stand in the way of true love. Love forever, Your husband.
  3. I don’t know how to tell you this but I feel we need a break. I love you so much baby and I hope we can talk about this. You are my world and my life, please don’t be mad at me.
  4. I can’t deal with you right now. I need space to think. You hurt me and it’s driving me crazy. I’m going to get a hotel tonight, just please don’t call me. Don’t text me, don’t email me and for the love of god don’t come around my house.
  5. I’m done with you. It’s over. I need a Real man in my life to love me and treat me right. I’ve given you plenty of chances and you keep letting me down.
  6. What are you doing bitch? I know you have my phone. I could have this baby by myself you know. I thought we got over all of this crap back in college, guess not. Call me now so we can settle this like adults.
  7. You think you can just up and leave? And break my heart like this? I hate you!
  8. I love you because, you make my heart melt and my lips quiver, you bring me happiness and laughter, you are a rad girl.
  9. I have tried to be nice to you, but I have to tell you. I don’t like your attitude and I feel like you are a waste of my time.
  10. You are difficult sometimes, and a lot of other times you can be really cool. But some stuff is really getting on my nerves. Just tell me if something is wrong, don’t shut me out. If we can’t talk to each other, then what good are we?
  11. Are you serious?!You told me what time we’d meet, yet you’re not here! Don’t you care about me at all? I’m out here waiting for you and you’re a no show! You are so inconsiderate of my time. What’s the point in making plans with someone who has such a horrible attitude? How am I supposed to feel when I make plans with someone and then that person doesn’t even show up? You make me sick!
  12. I would never want to live in a world without you. You are an amazing girl and as I sit here and realize you are talking with another guy I get upset, I feel as if someone is pulling my heart out of my chest, fogging my mind, and making it hard to breathe. I’m clenching my fists so tight that they hurt. I can’t believe this is happening but the realization is hitting me like a truck.
  13. I’m so mad at you! Your selfish. It’s always about you. You don’t care about anyone but yourself. You’re never home and whenever you are we fight.
  14. I love you baby, but you need to stop acting like a child. You’re 20 years old not 12, so grow up and be mature for once in your life. Do what’s right and not what’s fun.
  15. Hey b*tch, get you’re a$s out here. I don’t have time for you to think about your “feelings”. Mind your goddamn business and get here right now. It’s not like I asked you to call me every 30 minutes, idiot.
  16. Are you serious? You believe that I want to go on a date with her when we are supposed to be going out tonight?! That’s not funny! Just come home and don’t leave my sight until I am dead. Better yet, pack your bags and never return.
  17. I’m so sick of you and your f*cking plastic surgery! Stop sucking all your friends’ dicks and be a normal girl. Go out to dinner, get some real friends, take me on a vacation. All you do is sit on your ass and complain about how rich you are and how trapped you feel. Grow up!
  18. I’m still trying to understand what happened when I was out of town. It’s been over a week and you haven’t talked or tried to contact me in any way. This is starting to hurt me and I feel like shit, it doesn’t feel like anything is going on anymore. I just want things to be okay again, can we talk about this please?
  19. You are the absolute worst girlfriend ever! I can not believe how inconsiderate you are. How could you forget our anniversary? You made me feel so unwanted and unappreciated.
  20. I hate you. You know I hate you but sometimes you push it too far and I hate doing this but it’s for your own good. I’m breaking up with you. I love you but we need to break up. I know its hard to hear, and trust me, this is hard for me too, but it has to be done. You are no longer the girl I fell in love with and I just can’t sit back and watch your life go down the drain any more.
  21. I hate you. I hate that I love you. I hate that you took him and left me with nothing. I want us back together more than anything, and after today im never going to talk to you again and move on…
  22. I wish I knew what you wanted from me. You don’t act like a girlfriend in public. People think we are friends and it hurts me. I’ve been a great friend to you but it feels like you don’t care about me anymore.
  23. I know things are rough right now. I understand you are upset and hurt, but please don’t take it out on me. I’m not the one who left, you did. You’re the one who started this mess and made our lives a freaking mess that won’t end.  I hate to say it but you deserve it.
  24. Let’s just cut to the chase. I have a boyfriend. Get the f*ck off my phone. I have repeatedly asked you to stop calling me and you continue to ignore my requests, which is very disrespectful.
  25. You are so fucking infuriating and childish. Everyone knows you don’t think for yourself and rather take the side of whomever you last spoke with. How can you have an opinion on a topic when your mind is changed by who knows what? You can be whatever you want to be, however, I am not sure if I can be with someone like that.
  26. I know you are mad right now. I texted you earlier than normal. You didn’t seem to be in a rush to see me or have time to talk. I’m sorry I kept bugging you. Please forgive me.
  27. I’m so sick of you being mad at me all the time. I know I fucked up, maybe not as bad as your saying I did but just give me a break. I’m trying to get my stuff together and live my life the right way. I know things won’t be this hard forever and that things will only get better if we stick together, so please stop yelling at me, we’ve already been through too much bullshit than this.
  28. I am so mad at you right now. I have been sitting here crying my eyes out because of you and I don’t even know why! You are such an ass hole.
  29. I hate you. Figure out who the fuck you are and quit making me feel like shit! I’m so fucking tired of this bullshit. I gave up everything for you and this is what I get?
  30. I really really really need you to come and see me this evening, I have something important I have to say to you. Please?
  31. I’m so mad at you! You had better have a good reason for being gone all day. I love you and I thought we were in this together.
  32. My new message alarm just went off and I opened my phone to see what it was. It was you calling me, so I answered it. The second I heard your voice I hung up. Don’t you ever call me again!
  33. After much thought I have reached the conclusion that you do not deserve another chance. Do not contact me again.
  34. Idk what’s going through your head right now with this breakup but I am tired of being used as a tool to hurt you. You accuse me of cheating and spread lies around our friends when in reality I tried to leave you so many times. You pretended to be my friend and would say all these nice things to make me feel better. I always did everything for you, I even wound up moving away just so we can be close and now you’ve decided that it’s not enough?
  35. Hey I just wanted to let you know that I don’t appreciate being ignored. It’s been ten days and you haven’t returned any of my calls or texts. That’s cold, even if we are having problems I still deserve a response. The ball is in your court now, see how long it takes me to stop by again.

Also See: Angry Text Messages To Send To Your Friend

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