See Below don’t worry I Won’t bother you anymore Quotes for him or her.
Don’t Worry I Won’t Bother You Anymore Quotes
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore! You’re my best friend. I’ll forever care for you no matter what happens. We are like brother and sister, but we are so much more than friends, were like a pair of dice. You the six, the line on edge and me the one, the line can’t bend. Together forever like our mind set, because we both got that same goal.
- Butterflies in my stomach when we talked… You were so cute and funny. I found myself smiling throughout the whole day. Getting butterflies every time you smile or laugh, because it doesn’t matter the situation…Whenever someone gets hurt, sad, or excited I get the same feeling. Butterflies are definitely something you can’t describe. All I want to say is… don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore.
- Love You! And for you to know, I’ve told myself I won’t bother you anymore if you are angry with me, but if you aren’t, then this letter is still useful!
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore, it is just that you are gorgeous and every time I see you I fall in love with you more.
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. I know we don’t talk much but I just wanted to remind you that you are an amazing person and everyone needs a friend like you. I care about your health and happiness, and if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Love you darling,
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. I know you don’t want anything more to do with me but I just wanted to tell you that I will always love you. Maybe someday I can make it up to you but for now this is goodbye.
- I will never stop caring for you. Never. You are my angel and the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are one of the few people who always make me smile and really enjoy life. I have never been happier than when I am with you. I can’t wait to see what our future holds together because I know we’re going to be happy forever!
- We’ve been through a lot together and you were one of my first friends. Even I don’t talk to you much anymore, we have a very close bond that will last forever. I care about you so much. You are an amazing person, inside and out with so much potential that just can’t be realized. I don’t know what I would do without you as a friend!
- I’m not going to bother you anymore, if you don’t want me to be in your life, but if you do, I will still be here. If you don’t want me to love or care for you, then don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore.
- I will no longer be contacting you from this point forward, anything I’ve said in the past is not true, I apologize for any pain or confusion I have caused you. It has been nice talking to you, hopefully we can keep things civil for the rest of our time on earth.
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. We’ll travel to the high parts of the world and soar high above the clouds, where we will admire our love in all its beauty. Distance, gender and age can never come between our loves.
- Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone what we have done, it will be our secret. Every time you find yourself thinking of me I hope that you get that warm sensation in your chest, as thoughts of me steal your breath away, and you can’t help but smile… don’t worry I will leave you alone now.
- I don’t understand why you acted so cold. I guess I’ll never know the reason why, but I don’t care. It’s better that we move on and find someone who cares a little more. Heartbreak sucks, but sometimes it can make you stronger by learning to love again.
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. I think that this should be enough to get you to speak too me again. I think it’s been long enough since we’ve last talked. I miss your voice, I miss your laugh and most of all I miss you. I don’t know what else to say because my mind is all over the place right now…
- Don’t worry, I won’t bother you anymore. You know I’ll always love you. And I’ll never say anything mean about you again. But you have to promise me that you’ll be happy, and that you won’t fall for anyone ever again. Promise?
- I know you must be really busy with your classes, and I don’t want to bother you anymore. I’ll make sure to focus on my work without you around, so you can do everything for your exams and go back home as soon as possible. I’m so lucky to have met the most amazing guy in the world, who makes me feel like a princess every single day!
- Sorry for bothering you anymore, I just want to let you know that I do love you and I am very sorry if my actions were wrong or seemed like they were meant in a bad way. You’re very important to me and I hope someday you’ll be able to forgive me, thank you again for the time we spent together.
- Hey, it’s me. I know we haven’t spoken in a while, but I just wanted to let you know. I love you. I know things aren’t the same anymore, but it doesn’t mean that my love for you has changed. I will always be here for you, no matter what happens. If there is anything you want to talk about, please feel free to contact me anytime!
- It is always some terrible, when you have to say goodbye to long-cherished dreams. I know that we had hoped for a different future, but it was not this time. I hate to bother you with unnecessary words, but I think it’s fair to do. Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore.
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. I just want you to know that my love for you is more than friendship. It is a feeling deep down inside of me that I cannot control. I need you in my life more than anything and if it takes me an eternity to prove to you how much I love you then so be it. If I could trade my life for yours knowing that we would be together again then in an instant I would do so.
- I try to ignore you but I can’t help myself. You have this effect on me every time we meet. I talk and act differently around you. It’s like being with you makes me a better person, or maybe it’s just the way you look at me, but whatever it is I wish it wouldn’t stop. I won’t bother you anymore or make you uncomfortable, I just wanted to be in your life for a little while.
- I don’t know why I bother, unrequited love is so absurd. It makes no sense, it doesn’t have a point. It would be better if it was obvious that you never loved me. Why do I still like you when you say you don’t like me?
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. Putting this here because many of you don’t want to hear it directly. But that doesn’t mean we love you any less than the rest of your fans. I’m still here.
- I don’t want to bother you anymore. You can stop reading this letter now and throw it away. You don’t know how much I need to tell you that I love you, but I just can’t! I love you so damn much and that won’t change! I feel like I could tell you a million times, but it won’t be enough. No matter what, I love you and this is too important for me to lie about it or
- Don’t Worry, I prefer to stay at home. My wife was worried about the time I spent on doing this, she asked me to change it. So please don’t be angry with me. Thanks for understanding.
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. I am not going to waste your time anymore huh baby you are so right that’s why it is important to tell you the truth to be honest with you and let you know what’s on my mind and what I feel. To be honest with you I don’t think that we will last any longer but because you have always been good to me, maybe we could give it a try.
- don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. I am going to stop calling and texting you. I don’t like you anymore, I don’t care if you like it or not.
- Please! Don’t worry! I won’t bother you anymore with my texts. I know how much they annoy you and annoy your friends. From now on, I will just watch you from afar without the need to text you.
- Hi sweety I can’t sleep I’m so hungry! I am not disappearing tonight, I just need some time to think okay don’t be sad please. You’re the one and only who truly understand me… there are so many things that we haven’t talked about and it worries me so much. We’ll move back in our home soon, I promise that… I just need some space and time to grieve my loved ones _ don’t worry!!! I won’t bother you again.
- Please don’t feel sad or cry I really do love you. But sometimes that changes I will always love you But right now I just can’t be with you
- I’m sorry if it seems like I’m always around and bothering you. But know that this is just me trying to get your attention. I didn’t think my feelings were reciprocated till now. Now that I know how you feel, I don’t plan on disappearing any time soon.
- You’re the best friend I’ve ever had and I truly thank you for everything you have done for me. You’re the first person I think of when I wake up and the last when I go to bed. Your smile cheers me up even on my darkest days. When we talk, I get lost in every word you say no matter how insignificant they may seem to anyone else. I don’t want to bother you everyday, but just know that wherever you are is
- I don’t want to hold you back, so I will release you. I hope you will do as I say and put me out of your mind, delete my number from your phone and move on. I don’t want to be a burden on you anymore, so let me go. Best wishes to you and I hope everything happens for the best.
- Don’t worry I won’t bother you anymore. I am at peace now, just wanted to let you know that everything you said was not true. It’s okay, there is no need to be upset anymore. Now the burden is lifted and my soul is at rest.
Also See: Don’t Fall In Love With Me Quotes