good night message for angry wife

Good Night Message For Angry Wife

Good night message for an angry wife is the most appropriate way of conveying your feelings to your spouse. It will work as an excellent tool to reduce the stress level in your life and also to pacify her. Sending thoughtful messages for your spouse so that you can show that you want her to sleep well. It would be a nice gesture on your part.

Good Night Message For Angry Wife

  1. Baby girl, I want you to get a good night’s sleep tonight. Let’s not fight again. You know it makes me upset and sad to know we can’t talk things out when we need to most. Please remember our past no matter what love remains in the heart baby.
  2. Hey honey, I just wanted to tell you goodnight. I just wanted to say sorry for being angry earlier. It was my fault and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I know you didn’t mean it and that you were just frustrated too. You don’t need to worry about money or the rent or any of it. You are gorgeous, intelligent and funny and all of those things will make your dreams come true.
  3. Baby, I know you are upset, I’m sorry. I can’t say it enough. I love you so much and don’t ever want to make you feel this way. You mean the world to me and on days when things aren’t going your way, or life gets hard, know that I am always there to help you through it all. Good night baby and good night my love.
  4. I hope tonight as you sleep, you will think of me. I want to remind you of how much joy and love you bring to my life! I’m thinking about you now and wishing that you were by my side as we fall asleep together. I am sorry for the other time, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Goodnight Love!
  5. Goodnight my love, earlier today I did something to upset you. From the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry. I only want to make you happy and never want to make you unhappy. Last night when I saw your tears I hurt more than ever before. I would give anything in this world to take those tears away and make you smile again. Every night when we go to bed, we say “I love you,” and every morning when we wake up we say “I love you.”
  6. I know you’re angry but I hope this text message brings a smile to your face. I don’t care if you’re strolling down 5th Ave or hiking in the mountains, you’re always in my mind. You are the one that brightens my day and can make my life worthwhile. I hope your day was wonderful, and remember we always have our tomorrow’s.
  7. You have certainly had a day. You are so beautiful and I feel blessed to have you in my life. You are my better half, the yin to my yang, and the laughter in my heart. I am sorry for the things I said earlier, I hope we can get past that. Thank you for another day together and thank you for always being you!
  8. Goodnight baby. I’m accustomed to your angry attitude, I don’t know if it’s me or the way you are. It seems like every time we talk about our relationship that you blame me for everything. I wish every day was a good day, but it seems as if it’s only raining on my side of the street. I want to give you the world and more, but you won’t even let me hold your hand. I believe in you, that’s why I am still here…with all your flaws.
  9. Before I go to sleep, I just want you to know if you are still angry with me, I want you to know how special you are. You fill my life with love, support, and happiness. You are the best wife I could ever ask for and I love you so much. Goodnight my love!
  10. Nothing hurts more than saying goodnight, to the person you love knowing she’s angry with you. If there is a day we spend apart, my heart aches with loneliness. I need you in my arms sweetheart, please don’t make me wait. Goodnight and I love you!
  11. I am sorry for what I did earlier. If only I could hold you right now, I would stroke your hair and kiss your forehead. I just wanted to say good night, sweet dreams and I love you.
  12. Honey, your angry texts won’t work on me. As long as we have love, nothing else matters. So I hope you can get some sleep and we can still continue to talk about this when you wake up. Goodnight.
  13. I know you are mad at me, but I want you to know that I am madly in love with you. I would do anything for you. You light up my whole world in a way that no one else can. Every time we are together, whether it’s just sitting together, watching a show and laughing, or lying down next to each other telling stories, I fall deeper in love with you.  I love you more than you’ll ever know. Goodnight and sweet dreams.
  14. When we first started dating, I never thought this would happen. Little did I know that you would steal the very heart from my chest and replace it with yours. Even though you were a little upset this morning, You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I love you.
  15. Just wanted to send a quick good night message to my sweetheart. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done wrong in our relationship, and I hope that we can start fresh tomorrow. I miss you more than anything and my love for you is like no other. You are my everything and I just can’t stop thinking about you. Good night my love!
  16. When I’m tired and irritable and argue with you, know that I don’t want to fight. I just want everyone to be happy, even if it’s at my own expense. I love you so much! Every time I look at you, my heart beats faster. I fall more in love every day. You are the woman of my dreams and every time I get to spend the night with you is a blessing. Good night, beautiful!
  17. Wish I was there with you to hold you when you are sad. I miss you. Hope to see your pretty smile tomorrow morning. Goodnight dearest! I love you always, right now my bed seems very empty without you beside me. Missing you a lot!
  18. I love you with all my heart. You are the most amazing woman I know and I am proud to be your husband. Wishing you a restful night free of stress, anxiety, anger and worry. Sleep well, sweetheart.
  19. Turn off the lights, close your eyes. I’ll hold you tight. It’s time to hit the bed, we’ve had a very busy day. There is no need to be afraid. Your dreams are waiting there for you to take flight. I am sorry about what I said on the phone, forgive me. Good night, sleep tight. I love you..
  20. I’m not sure what you’re angry about but I’m here for you. Please tell me so I can make it better. I always have time for you because you are my whole world! I love you, good night.
  21. I’ve had a long day and I just wanted to say goodnight. I know you are upset but you know I love you very much. You are such a wonderful woman, and I like to make you smile as often as I can. You brighten up my life, you even made me learn how to dance. You bring so much laughter into my life and I love being around you. Have a good rest, dear!
  22. I am always here for you, be it rain or shine, good day or bad. If you were feeling the worst pain in the world I would hold you in my arms and sing your sorrows away. When we fight I just want to hold you tight and never let go. Good night my love, sweet dreams!
  23. I know you get on your nerves sometimes, but I am going to keep saying it. I love you! You are a wonderful woman and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Good night precious wife and sweet dreams to you!
  24. I’m thinking about you. You are always on my mind no matter where I go or what happens between us. You’re so beautiful and sweet and I can’t wait to see you again, kiss you and hold you tight in my arms. Goodnight my love, I miss you so much!
  25. Babe, I know that you’re mad and upset, but we really should talk about this. Deciding how to fix it and move on is important to me. Please don’t say you never loved me. I will always love you no matter what. I don’t want to lose you! Talk to me! Good night my love, sleep tight. My beautiful, incredible, wonderful and amazing wife. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow morning. I love you!
  26. I really wish that you weren’t so angry with me. I would do anything to take back the things I did and make it better. Please please please forgive me, but if you can’t at least know that I am trying my hardest to rectify my mistakes. Goodnight my dear Lucy.
  27. I didn’t mean to upset you this evening, I hope you know that. I wouldn’t do anything purposely to hurt you. You are the most precious thing in my life and nothing means more to me. I hope for your sweet dreams to ease your anger and make you feel better. Have a good night rest dear.
  28. It’s been a long day and I’m exhausted but I just wanted to tell you goodnight. It kills me how angry you are towards me right now. I wish I could take all the pain away and numb your hurt. I want everything to be like it was before, when our love was strong. When we share those romantic moments without any fear of being judged. Good night baby, forgive me for any harm I have caused.
  29. Good night my love, I miss you. Have sweet dreams of me. I know you are still angry but I wish it was me laying next to you tonight instead of the empty space. You are the perfect woman for me and my heart aches without you here beside me. I love you SO much!
  30. Happy Valentines Day Babe! I Hope you are having a great day. I know you are still upset so I am sending you a lot of hugs and kisses in this card, because they’re something I wish I could hold on to you forever. You are the love of my life and I am glad that we are sharing another year together. I can’t wait to spend all day with you tomorrow, but for now I must say good night, my dear wife.
  31. I am so sorry dear that I couldn’t be there, please forgive me, looks like things were just getting interesting. I just wanted to wish you a good night and tell you how much I care about you. You’re my whole world, you’re my everything. Goodnight honey. I love you so much.
  32. Baby, I am sorry to cause you so much stress. I love you, and know that I always want your happiness above all else. I hope you can forgive me, but if not at least we had a wonderful marriage before all of this mess. Good night, Sweetheart. I love you so very much and hope that you had a wonderful day. Sweet dreams, darling.

Also See: Good Night Message After Argument

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