I Miss You But I Can’t Tell You Quotes: I miss you quotes are the perfect way to share your true feelings even if you think that it is too early. Here are a few of my favorite one’s for you to share with your trusted friend or someone special in your life. If you have something else that you want to add on, just let me know and I will get back to you.
I Miss You But I Can’t Tell You Quotes
- I miss you lots but I don’t want to hurt you, so I’ll just say that I miss you. Even though you will never know the amount of how much I miss you. Or at least that is the reason why I won’t tell you. Saying it will hurt me more than not saying it. It seems like I love you even more, when I think about how far we have come since being friends for a long time.
- I miss hearing your breathing while i lay with my head on your chest. I miss rolling over in bed and seeing your goofy sleepy smile. I miss lying in bed with you after a long day and laughing the pain away. I miss you but I don’t want to hurt your feeling…
- I miss you more than anything. I miss giving you hugs and kisses, laying with my head on your chest while you rubbed my hair. I miss walking together, hand in hand, not caring who might stare at us as we laughed and joked. I miss our late night moments on the phone, snuggling under the covers in our cold bed but feeling so warm inside. I miss going for walks with you to the park and on a trail through the woods or to just sit in a coffee.
- I miss you! I miss our stores, your house, and the little things you do for me. I miss the way my heart races when I hear from you. Please don’t leave me languishing here all alone. Be sweet, call me.
- I miss you so much but I can’t tell you. I love you to the end of the world and back. I wish for you to be safe at work, happy with your family and friends and healthy always. I miss your smile and the way you look at me. All I wish is that we could spend more time together but I know we can’t because of our busy lives. I love you baby!
- I miss you so much. I will wait for you, wherever you are. I know it is hard to be apart, but we will be together again, dear. It doesn’t matter how long the wait, the most important thing is to know that you’re in my heart and mind. I love you with all of my soul.
- See you soon. I wanted to let you know how beautiful you are. I miss the time we spent together but i can’t tell you, so I hope to see you again soon. I can’t wait to see your smile.
- I miss you, gorgeous. I can’t wait to see you again. Every day we are apart is another day wasted. I love you, always and forever.
- My life is better with you in it. I love you more than words could ever express. I love the way you smell, your smile and the way you look at me. You’re my best friend, my lover and I can’t wait for forever to begin with you.
- Well its official i miss you because I never hear from you. I know that we r not legally together but i miss the time we spent together. The fun conversations the laughter and most of all the cute things you said to me when i was mad at you.
- I miss you with all my heart but I can’t tell you, with all my mind and soul. I see your beautiful smile when I close my eyes. When I saw you leave, I saw life leaving too.
- I miss you so much that it hurts to breathe. I miss you in everything I do and everywhere I go. When I think about your smile or the way you laughed, I want to be there with you. If I could go back and change things I would in a heartbeat. Although we are apart, we will always be together in our hearts.
- I miss you but I can’t tell you. I feel like as we grow further apart, I want to tell you how much I love you and hold you tight. You’re really important to me and I hope things get better…
- I know we’re far apart, but I miss you so much. Even if I try to fight it, I cannot go a day without wanting to talk to you. You mean so much to me, and I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my life; everything else is just a routine that can be changed easily. You’re truly one of a kind, and no one will ever compare to you.
- I miss you so much more than you know and I can’t stand it. Every day without you is a reminder of how much I love you and how much I hurt. I want to be near you so bad that it physically hurts me. But, somehow each day goes by a little easier knowing that soon we will spend another day together.
- Baby, I miss you so much. My memories of you are burned in my mind and heart. We’ve had so many good times together and our love is stronger than ever. I can feel your presence when I think of you, it makes me smile.
- I want to thank you for being in my life. You have brightened up my darkest of days and made everything better. I love waking up next to you every morning and being able to kiss your handsome face, even if it means waking you up. I miss you so much that it hurts sometimes. I just pray that we are together in the future and don’t have to ever be separated again.
- I still miss you but I can’t tell you. We had the most amazing thing going, I wish we could go back to that. I feel lost without you, it’s not the same even with someone else. You are missed every day and loved every day.
- I miss you already but I can’t tell you. But if I actually told you how much, it would just make both of us feel worse. So I won’t tell you and I’ll just keep missing you until we see each other again.
- I never knew a love like this existed. You showed me the way to true happiness. I can’t wait until we see each other again. I miss you so much sweety but I can’t tell you!
- I love you, and can’t stand the fact that I have to wait so long to see you again. Everyday seems like forever – but at least I have you in my heart. I can’t imagine life without you!
- I miss you but I can’t tell you. I miss your laugh, the way you always have my back and make me feel special. You are my best friend, the only one who understands me like that. I wish we were living together! It would be so much fun…
- To my friend, I miss you so much but I can’t tell you. I know words cannot express how much I miss you. You are such a good friend and mean so much to me. There is always going to be that hole in my heart because of you not being here for me. I just wanted you to know that I wish things could have been different. I miss hanging out with you like we use to and laughing at every stupid joke that either one of us said. I’m sorry for everything.
- I remember those early days, fighting and fussing… I miss you but I can’t tell you. You have been my best friend for so long, without you I am so miserable. But I can’t tell you that because… You’re my baby brother. I Love You Brother.
- I miss you but I can’t tell you. I know you’re reading this and you’re probably thinking. You should just see me now, sitting alone, looking out at the night sky, clutching this paper to my heart. I found one of your shirts hiding in my closet today since I had another flashback about how we both shared that one romantic night together by the fire pit outside of your house.
- It seems like every day we are more than friends and I to look forward to waking up to your voice. You bring me happiness in a way that no one else can. I miss you but I can’t tell you. I am looking forward to being with you again soon.
- I miss you so much but I can’t tell you. You are the only one that I can turn to when everything seems to be going wrong.
- Though we are apart, you are always in my thoughts. I miss hanging out with you but I can’t tell you, movies, and cuddling on the couch. I look forward to the future and seeing what it holds for us. I love you!
- I miss You, I miss You, I miss you but I can’t tell you. I’ve got to run this by you again. Because when I miss you, it comes flooding back to me. How we met and all the joys and sorrows since then, like a full blown symphony. And maybe right now is not perfect. But we can change it so perfect in my eyes, God knows that’s true.
- I miss you so much. I can’t tell you enough. I am lost without you by my side. I only think about us and how good our love could be. Your cute smile just lights up my entire day, when I am with you my heart skips a beat.
- I miss you, I miss your smile, your laugh, your touch and the little things about you that drive me crazy. I feel my heart break every time we talk every time i am near you and every time we have to say good-bye to each other. We were two people who were meant to be together, but life got in our way. I still love you and always will!
- I miss you. I miss being able to go through the day being blissfully unaware of how much I love you. How much your smile brightens my world and how having your arms around me makes me never want to let go. I miss the sound of your voice. The way it sounds when you say my name, like I’m the only person in the room who matters. I’ve got a new life now, with new dreams and aspirations, but man I wish everything.
- I love you, and I miss you but I can’t tell you, even more than I could have ever imagined. I can’t wait to see you again.
- I miss you so much, it hurts. I wish that I had someone there to hug me when I’m sad, kiss me when I miss your touch. But right now, all that I have is my memories of the good times we shared. Please come back to me one day. Until then, remember how much I love you and how much I miss you every day!
- I miss you like crazy but I can’t tell you. You’re always on my mind and in my heart. When I see pictures of us together, I am immediately brought to tears. I know that you are the one for me. I want nothing more than to love you and be loved by you. My day isn’t complete without hearing from you. I miss our laughter, the way we connect so easily, and your ability to help me unwind at the end of the day.
- I really miss you but i can’t tell you, we never get to talk anymore. I think of the days when we ran around town just fooling around. We could never be apart for too long and I know that hasn’t changed. I just wish we could hang out soon, it’s been too long since we last saw each other.
Also See; I Miss You But You Hurt Me Quotes