Having a crush on someone is only natural. When you get to know this person better, your feelings can become much stronger or may just disappear. This person can be a friend, a colleague or someone you’re dating. Not sure what to say to your man crush? Here are Monday quotes for a friend (man) that’ll inspire you.
Man Crush Monday Quotes For A Friend
- My man crush Monday is you. You are everything I have ever wanted in a friend, and more. Your wit, sense of humor, intelligence, amazing personality and devilish good looks have me falling for you at every chance. I’ll never find a better friend, and the best of my life I was lucky enough to meet you. You are just so amazing.
- You are my man crush! I think you’re the bee’s knees! I have a major thing for you. You’re the cat’s pajamas! You are my man crush, sweetie. I am in love with the way your mind thinks and how it turns things around!
- This is dedicated to the man that makes my heart skip a beat. You are so thoughtful, fun and charming. I hope you know how great you are because I sure do. This is for the man that’s always on my mind and makes me feel happy inside. Cheers to you!
- As the years go on, we grow older and change. And I’m still in awe at the amazing friend you are. If I may be serious for a moment, you are so much more than that. You have been there for me through it all. And today I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate you. Thank you for always being there for me and giving me the support that I need.
- Man, I just have so much respect for you. Your work ethic is crazy. You’re like, the hardest working person I know. Everything you do is so impressive! Sometimes I look at you and wonder, “am I ever gonna be that good?” So yeah, despite all your many flaws, I can’t help but be impressed! I love ya man.
- I wasn’t excited when I got assigned to work with you, but now that I know you, I love you! You are an amazing person and I hope we can be friends forever. No matter what you do, I always have your back and am here for you if you need anything…
- How much do I want you Yes, a lot But what’s under that shirt Man oh man is it nice to look at You’re the reason I wake up early in the morning Just to see your beautiful smile.
- Hey, I hope you are doing awesome! My name is Alexander and I think you are really cool.
- I love your smile, your laugh and the way you make me feel. You’re not just a man crush — you’re a soul mate. I’m lucky to have you in my life.
- I have a man crush on you! I’m not sure how many times I’ve said it before, but it is true every time! You are my favorite person to be around and your smile can melt my heart anytime. I love our friendship more than I can say.
- You are the greatest guy I know. I love hanging out with you, working out with you and shooting pool with you. You always make me laugh, smile and feel better about myself. Thank you for being such a good friend and always being there for me. You are awesome!
- I’m not usually the type to publicly express my feelings for another guy, but you’re worth making an exception for. I think you’re great and I’ve always been inspired by your work. You deserve to hear it…So thanks.
- I don’t know how you do it man, but you really know how to make me smile. Week after week I am inspired by your drive and passion towards life. I love the new places you take me and all the things we get to experience together! You motivate me and push me to be a better person. Here’s to many more years of friendship!
- Ben, I am so glad we met. Ever since I have gotten to know you more I have fallen more in love with you. You crack me up and you are the most amazing guy I know.
- I hope that you have a wonderful day, and don’t forget to smile because it makes the world a better place. I hope your week is filled happy thoughts and good deeds towards others. Life is short, make it amazing. Love always, Andrew.
- I just can’t help but have a crush on you. You are so handsome and charming that I can barely stand it…You’re such a great friend, guy.
- Every day I love you more and more, it’s quite ridiculous. You are so kind and caring, so thoughtful and strong. With your help I can face the day, with your heart I feel safe. The sparkle in your eye is contagious, you make my heart race. The love you give me is endless, I could never ask for more!
- It’s always Man Crush Monday! You are always on my mind, but I never get tired of looking at you. You are the only one for me, always and forever. You make my world go ’round. You’re my rock and my soul mate. I will always be here for you no matter what life throws at us.
- You are the most wonderful man I’ve ever met. You make me smile and light up my life each and everyday.
- You are the most amazing guy ever! I don’t care what anyone says, I will always stand up for you. I love everything about you and so do many other girls. You are a loyal friend, a caring boyfriend and a romantic lover. You make coming home to you every night worthwhile.
- I love the way you make me feel, safe and secure. I love that smile you give me that makes me melt with joy. I just can’t get enough of you! You are an amazing man, so full of love, laugh and happiness. I’m so glad I got to know you!
- There are few things I enjoy more than randomly running into you, and just hanging out. You bring an energy that makes every day a little brighter. Even if it’s just a text to say hi I always look forward to it. Thanks for being one of my favorite people!
- Hey man, you are my best friend. I appreciate all that you do for me and keep me sane! I love ya buddy!
- I’ve never met anyone like you before. Before I met you, I was empty inside. Your presence has changed me in the best possible ways and I am so thankful to have you in my life. Hope we can be BFFs forever!
- You are my man crush every Monday. You are so attractive and I just want to snuggle your face with my face. You are so positive that your energy is contagious. I hope you have a great day, and don’t stress out too much about the future, because all will work out for the best! The future is ours to take. We can do anything we set our minds to.
- On my list for Man Crush Monday today is a man by the name of…You! I love you, bro! You’re always there when I need you and we have so much fun hanging out together. I admire your strength, confidence, and dedication to yourself. Congrats on finding the one who’s been there all along. And be sure to share with him how amazing you are!
- My man crush for you is beyond words. You are amazing and I’m so grateful that we are friends. I love you, my dude!
- I have the man crush on you, bro! You deserve so much happiness in your life. I hope this week turns out good for you and that you get some much deserved alone time with a beautiful girl every day. Life is too short for anything less than epicness!
- There are many men I look up to, but you are one of a kind. You always know how to cheer me up and put a big smile of my face. I really appreciate your friendship and everything we share together. You know I think you’re truly amazing and I want you to know how special you are to me.
- Mondays used to be my least favorite day of the week, but now I’m okay with them. Because every Monday means a new love for me, you! Every time I see your picture my heart melts and I can’t be any happier to have a crush on such an amazing person. You are smart, kind, funny and full of talent.
- You are a great friend and I can’t thank you enough. Thank to the early morning emails, late night texts, and constant love and support. You have brightened up my life in so many ways. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and for always having my back!
- You are the hottest man on the face of the planet. We have so much in common and have so much fun together with the guys. I always look forward to hanging out with you! You rock!
- I love the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh at my jokes. I love your hair, the way it looks messy and windswept in the mornings (after a good night of sleep). You have such an infectious smile that no one can help but smile along with you. I’m not really sure what to write other than I love you, but also respect and admire you for who and what you are. You’re my bro for life, we’re family and I love you!
- Hey bud, hope the week’s off to a good start. Hope you have a great Valentine’s Day this year! I wanted to wish you the very best on this special day and all throughout the year.
- You are the coolest person I have ever met. You joke around and make me laugh when I am sad and that really helps me a lot. You are always there for me when I need you most and for that I’ll be forever grateful.
- No matter how many times I tell you, I can’t seem to put into words just how amazing you are. There is so much that makes me admire you and so much I love about you. You’re such a wonderful person my friend and don’t know what I’d do without you.
- Man Crush Monday is here! You are in my thoughts and I am admiring your beauty. I think today is going to be a good day and that we will spend it together. I really hope you had a lovely weekend because I did. I miss you a lot and can’t wait to see you again.
- You are my man crush for this week! I admire your inner strength and the fact that you are one of the nicest guys I know. I look up to you — you are a great role model and an amazing friend. Go crush it this week bro!
- You’re not just my man crush, but you’re one of my best friends too. You’re so very special to me and I’m so glad we are best friends. I don’t know what I would do without you! I love you bro! Have a great week!
- The first time I met you, I knew we were going to get along great! You’re funny, smart and easily the most handsome man I know. I can’t imagine my life without you. Thanks for being such a great friend!
- You are the best friend a girl could ask for. I feel blessed to know you, you’ve brought so much happiness into my life. Although we may have our differences or minor disagreements, I love you no matter what. You are such a good man and I will always be here for you.
Also See: Man Crush Monday Quotes For Husband