Take Care of Yourself Quotes for Her: Are you looking for cool quotes about taking care of yourself? Then you are in the right place. I’ve collected many self-care quotes for her., then read on for beautiful quotes.
- There is never a day when I don’t think about you and cherish you. You are such an important part of my life and knowing that gives me such a thrill. I love you so much baby and want to be with you forever!
- I need you to take care of yourself, because I love you and I want you to be here. Your job is very stressful and you need to make sure you take good care of yourself.
- I need you to take care of yourself. If you don’t do anything for yourself, who will? I feel like you are constantly worrying about everyone else without putting your needs first. It is okay to take a day off, or not clean the house on Sunday. There is nothing wrong with that, just don’t let it become a habit. I see the strain of life getting to you and I want to know that you are taking care of yourself too.
- Remember you need to take care of yourself first so you can be the best for me, and that is what matters most. I know you don’t like to think that way but please believe me. This relationship is as strong as the two of us allow it to be. When we both take care of ourselves it will show in our lives. We won’t be drained and we will have room for new love and friendships, time for relaxing and lots of fun happy memories.
- I need you to take care of yourself. You don’t always have to be supermom, you can relax, giggle and forget about always being perfect. You are perfect already, I know you. If you want to be the best mom your kids can have, make sure to take care of yourself.
- I’ve loved you for so long, I’ve loved you through so much. Losing you would be the worst thing that could happen to me so please, take care of yourself. At least try.
- I’m not sure what to say. I always want you to feel good about yourself. I love you so much. Just please do whatever you can to take care of yourself, because Baby I love you!
- Today I am writing you to remind you to take care of yourself. You are so important to me.
- As we’ve grown I’ve seen how you don’t take care of yourself and it breaks my heart. You need to remember that I adore you, want the best for you and my biggest hope is that you live a long and healthy life with me.
- Babe, you are the only one who is capable of taking care of yourself. I can’t do it for you, nor should I even try to. Sometimes I forget that with everything that is going on in your life, that you still need to take care of yourself. You need the time with yourself to deal with all your issues.
- Take care of yourself. Don’t overdo it. Call me if you need me, I love you!
- I need you to take care of yourself. It is not selfish, but it is true. Soon, I will be unable to use my fingers to comb your hair the way you like it, I will soon no longer be able to kiss away your stress, and I will eventually run out of hugs. Please take care of yourself so that you can be around for a very long time for me.
- I need you to take care of yourself and let me do the same, we need to be there for each other more than we’ve ever had to be. I am going through some rough times and you are the only light in the distance. You get me like no one else does and I love you more than you can know.
- I need you to take care of yourself because I love you and don’t want you getting sick. I know how busy you get and how little time you can find for yourself, but it is important.
- I need you to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. If something makes you feel bad, please don’t do it. Say no if someone else wants you to do things that make you feel bad. You have so much going for you so please be strong and healthy! I love you so much honey!
- I need you to take care of yourself because no one can be happy in a loveless home. If I can’t be there for you it’s going to break me. So please take care of yourself and love yourself because I know that a little bit of myself lives inside you and it hurts.
- I need you to take care of yourself. Don’t forget that the most important person in the world is you. When you hear these words, it sounds wrong, but don’t worry, I will always be here to take care of you too. Like I said, the most important person is you!
- I need you to take care of yourself. I need you to be happy, find fulfillment, find success, find passion. Oh but how I wish that could mean finding me instead. The more you do those things I just mentioned, the less you will need me. So for your sake and mine please do those things and one day we will be happily ever after’s.
- You are a beautiful person who brings joy to my life every day. It makes me so happy to see you smile and laugh, because it gives me a natural glow as well. I want nothing more than for you to be the happiest person you could possibly be. So please, take care of yourself as best as possible, do not forget how wonderful you are, and don’t ever lose sight of the fact that I love you more than words could ever say.
- I just want you to know that I love you. I love every part of you, even the ones that get me mad. I want to take care of you and be with you for a long time. Don’t ever take yourself for granted, because I would never.
- I don’t say it enough, but you mean everything to me. I don’t want anything to ever happen to you. I want you to be safe and healthy – inside and out – always. You are worth so much more than all the worry in the world could ever hurt. Never forget that, beyond a shadow of a doubt.