Christian Wedding Vows

Christian Wedding Vows For Him Or Her

Christian Wedding Vows For Him Or Her: Are you getting married and want to use a personalized wedding vow that’s more meaningful than tradition? This bride vows template is for you.

Christian Wedding Vows For Him

I love you with all my heart

I, [your name], take you, [spouse’s name], to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.

I promise that I will always be your biggest fan. I promise that I will support you in all of your endeavors. I promise that I will love you even when no one else does. You are my best friend and the person who makes me laugh when all seems lost. You are the reason why I smile every day.

I love you with all my heart!

I made a Promise

I made a promise to [name] on the day we met. I promised that I would always be honest with him, and that I would never let him down. And even though our relationship has been strained at times (and we’ve had our fair share of fights), I have kept my promise to him.

I made another promise to him on our wedding day: that I would love him every day for the rest of our lives. And although it’s not always easy to keep that promise, it is always worth it.

One thing that makes our love special is the way we can make each other laugh at any time, no matter how serious things get between us. We may have started out as strangers, but today we are family—and there’s nothing more important than family!

You are so important

I, [name], promise to love you, [name], as long as I live.

Since the day we met, you have been my other half. You balance me out and make me laugh when I need it most. You’re the best listener in the world and always know how to cheer me up with your humor. You’re also kind of a nerd—but in a good way—and I wouldn’t have you any other way.

You are so important to me that it feels like our relationship is one big inside joke that no one else understands but us. And while some people might think it’s weird that we sing “Let It Go” together every time we get in the car together, I think it’s adorable! And I love this about us more than anything else about our relationship: what makes our love special is how unique it is—no one else could be our perfect match because this bond between us is truly unique and special.

I Promise

I promise to never forget this about us or take it for granted; instead, I’m going to cherish every moment we spend together from here on out because they’re all so precious.

I promise to always be your favorite person in the world, and I’ll never let you forget it.

I promise to listen to your crazy stories, even though they make no sense.

I promise to enjoy myself when we’re together, even if it means just being quiet and watching Netflix.

I promise that I will never judge you based on any of your weird habits or weird friends, because they’re all so much fun and I love them too!

I promise that no matter what happens in our lives, I’ll always be by your side—through thick and thin, through good times and bad—and that I’ll never let go of your hand even if you want me to.

Take you as my life Partner

I take you as my partner in life. I promise to always be there for you, in good times and bad. I will cherish our time together and respect your unique qualities, including [unique habit].

I promise to never forget about the first time we met, when I was [how you met] and you were [unique habit].

And I promise to always have our inside jokes, no matter how many years go by.

Be with you Forever

I, [name], take you, [name], to be my husband/wife.

I promise to laugh with you and cry with you, in good times and bad.

I promise to always be honest with you and never judge you.

I promise to always encourage you and remind you that no matter what happens in life, it’s all going to be okay.

I promise to hold your hand during scary movies and help make your dreams come true.

I promise to love, honor, cherish and respect you as long as we both shall live.

Cherish you

I, [name], take you, [spouse name], to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife.

I promise to love and cherish you, to be your faithful partner in life, to honor and respect you as a person of worth and dignity, and to care for you in sickness and in health. I will always make time for you to talk about our day, share the joys and sorrows of our lives together, plan together for the future we want to build together. I will encourage you to grow as a person and never hesitate to help you reach your full potential.

And when I look into your eyes and see the truth that our love is forever, I know that this is where I belong—with you.

Partner in Crime

I promise to be your best friend, your lover, and your partner in crime. I promise to do everything I can to make you smile, laugh, and be happy. I promise to support you through the good times and bad. I promise to love you unconditionally and without hesitation.

Christian Wedding Vows For Her

I Promise To Love You

I promise to love you, [name], for all of our inside jokes, the story of how we met, and your unique habits.

I promise to love you more than any other person in my life because you are the one who makes me feel safe and comfortable. I will always be there for you when you need someone to listen or just a hug or a smile.

I promise to make sure that we never take each other for granted and that we never forget why we fell in love with each other in the first place.


Together Forever

I promise to keep the inside jokes alive, and to treasure the times we met. I promise to remember our first date and all the times we spent together. I promise to hold onto your unique habits and the things that make you special.

I know that this is not just a marriage, but a partnership—a love story where two people come together and make each other better. You’ve made me feel so loved and supported throughout our time together, and I want to do the same for you as your spouse.

Together, we’ll build a life full of laughter and adventure—one full of memories from our pasts but also one full of new adventures for our future.

Funny Promise for you

I promise to love you for the rest of my life.

I promise to bring you coffee at work every morning, even though you know it’s not good enough.

I promise to always call you out on your bad jokes, even if it means we’ll never be able to watch another romantic comedy together.

I promise to put up with your dirty socks on the floor, because that’s just who you are.

And I promise to never forget all of the inside jokes we’ve shared, or how we met for the first time in front of a taco truck in the rain.

Support You Forever

I promise to always support you, no matter what.

To be your partner in crime, and a shoulder to cry on when things get too rough.

To love you for who you are—your quirks, your idiosyncrasies, and everything else that makes me fall more in love with you every day.

To help you through the bad days and celebrate the good ones.

To be there for you in all of life’s ups and downs—to listen when you need someone to talk to, to hold your hand when you need strength and encouragement, and most of all…to love you with all my heart!

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