Friday Morning Prayer Quotes

Friday Morning Prayer Quotes

A common tendency for all of us is to forget about God, especially if we are already adults. Every morning we can wake up and say a prayer, but somehow we don’t have time. Even less time to do it if you have a lot of things to concern yourself with, especially on a working day. But I hope that these Friday Morning Prayer Quotes will remind you about it.

Friday Morning Prayer Quotes

  1. God, help me to be aware of the wonders of your world. Open my eyes to the beauty of a sunrise, the laughter of a child, and the love in my own heart. Open my ears to hear your voice calling me back to you. And open my heart that I might love as you love, fully and freely.
  2. Dearest Lord, thank you for this new day. Help me to be a blessing and not a hindrance. Keep my thoughts from straying too often and help me to put your work first in my thoughts and in my actions. May you be done in my life today, and may I live in such a way that I will be ready when you return tomorrow.
  3. Thank you for protecting and preserving our country. I know that many of you are away from your families, but it will be alright. God bless you and your families and safe return for this upcoming past weekend. Remember God is with you.
  4. My God, make me a channel of your peace. That where there is hatred, I may bring love. That where there is injury, I may bring pardon. That where there is doubt, I may bring faith. That where there is despair, I may bring hope. That where there is darkness, I may bring light. Where there is sadness, I may bring joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood.
  5. Good Morning, God. This is a good day to have you in my life, and I cherish every moment with you. Thank you for the guidance you have provided as I walk through this life. Bless me as I go into work today and give me the will and energy to work hard. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
  6. Lord, help me to remember that you love me. When I am alone in the middle of the night, please remind me that you will never leave my side. I love you and thank you for letting me know your love and grace.
  7. Dear God, I pray that You would bless my wife, my children and each member of our family to stay safe while they travel this afternoon. Help them to get home safely. May I remain in Your perfect will today and may You keep me safe too.
  8. My prayer for you is that you rise above the trials and fears of life with confidence, grace, courage. And the most important prayer I have for you is to always remember your Creator and never stray too far from Him. The world is a cold place without Him.
  9. Dear God, please bless my wife and family today. Give them strength to handle all the problems they may face so that they may deal with various situations. Help my family forgive others. Let them do good things for others and make other people happy! I love them so much! God, thanks for everything you have given me. Amen!
  10. Gracious God, help me to see this day with your eyes, holding doubt and fear at bay and filling me with love, courage and hope. Help me to speak from my heart, listen well to others and show compassion in deed and word. And when temptation comes my way, help me to run towards You instead of from what I fear most.
  11. God, if it be thy will, let this day bring me my greatest joy. Let it be a beautiful day with at least one moment when I feel alive and really happy. Thank you for the wondrous world that you created. I see your greatness in every leaf and blade of grass I come across. I want to live with loving-kindness towards others. May this day be the prelude to a life of ever-increasing peace and joy. Amen.
  12. Let us pray. O God, our Savior, generous of mercy and full of goodness, we thank you for hearing our prayers and helping us grow in faith and thoughtfulness. Help us to be strong in our quest for knowledge and understanding, which we accept as a gift, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
  13. Dear God, Thank you for another day. Please bring great things to me today and help me to not be anxious about anything that comes my way. I am thankful and grateful for my life, friends and family. I know that all is well in my world. Today is a wonderful day, as it’s Friday! I hope everyone has a fantastic day.
  14. Thank you for waking me up this morning, God. I’m very thankful for the sun’s warm rays and for the many things you have provided for me. I pray that today will be peaceful and that I am able to stay happy all day long.
  15. Dear God, Thank you for bringing me through another week. My family and friends are so important to me. I know many people suffer in this world. I pray for them to have peace and strength. I pray that I can be a light in their lives and help them through the rough times they are having. Amen.
  16. Lord, with your help today I can do all things. You take away my anxiety and give me strength to be the best person I can be. I also thank you for friends and family who support and guide me as I learn each day.
  17. Dear God, Thank you for your loving grace that allowed me to awake this morning. Something incredible happened while I was asleep. The things that I thought of during the previous day were now forgotten and things that I didn’t think about came in to my life. Like a good dream, what I wanted last evening is still with me this morning. Blessed are you Lord for giving me the opportunity to awaken each morning to live another day in your world, where there exists opportunity, love, laughter and hope.
  18. Thank you God for another week. I can’t wait to experience your presence. You have been so good and merciful to me all my life. I am filled with gratitude for the blessing and honor it is to know You personally. Pray with me that all our actions will be for Your glory, then we will receive the heavens’ best!
  19. I want you to know how much God loves you. He wants all of you…everywhere and forever, every circumstance, every victory and all your tears. He’ll never do anything to violate or harm you. And if you’ve invited Him into your life today, He’ll be intimate with you and begin to heal every broken place in your soul.
  20. God, today help me love my neighbor as myself. The light of the world shines in your face and the voice of Christ is heard in your testimony. When I live for the praise of men I become a stumbling block, but when I put you first in all that I do my life is filled with peace.
  21. Dear Lord, Give me strength to carry on through today and the years ahead. Please help me to never forget that we are all here to serve our fellow man. If there will be trials and tribulations please let me have the courage to face them with a smile, knowing that you will give me the strength to overcome. Please lead us all into the light of your love where we may bask in its warmth always.
  22. I look up to God, the Almighty because He helps me through the day and I have a gospel to guide me along. I believe that prayer helps me understand the mind of God, His will, through the Holy Spirit. Make sure you get out and find your church home, but remember that even if you don’t go every week God’s love is always with you and so are His angels.
  23. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
  24. I want to thank God for your love. I am so fortunate to have you in my life. You are a wonderful wife, the best mother in the world, and I just love you so much! I pray for only good things and hope that we will grow old together in happiness.
  25. Lord, keep me centered in love and awareness. May I learn to see the divine in others. May I end my isolation, break down divisions and turn away from prejudice. Teach me how to live as a channel for your compassion. Let me be a peacemaker for all of us who thirst for justice and peace. Grant us wisdom and compassion, humility and trust, courage and joy. And let everything I do be done from your love.
  26. I pray that The Lord will help you find comfort during this difficult time and will keep you in his loving care. As we hold each other close today, know that The Lord is watching over us. May God bless you with a peaceful mind and His grace to endure this painful experience.
  27. Now God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
  28. As the sun rises, I thank God for giving us another day on this beautiful earth. I pray that we all have a blessed Friday and I ask that you give me strength to be the best person I can be.
  29. Good morning. I pray that this coming day would be filled with opportunities to reflect on the goodness of God, and that your dreams will be a reality every step of the way.
  30. Thank you God for this day. Help us all to make the right choices. Lead us down the right path and help us to always worship you and stay close to you. Amen
  31. God grants me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
  32. Lord, fill me with your grace so that I may change what ought to be changed, accept what cannot be changed and make the best of it all, Amen.
  33. Dear Lord, It is Friday morning, warm and sunny outside, and I am very thankful for that. I have been praying that you would bless my friend.
  34. Dear God, As I start my day let me tell you how much I love and appreciate you. I want to thank you, because you make me smile every morning. Let me have a great Friday and a great weekend.
  35. Dearest God, Thank you for another day. Please hold Kimberly in your arms as she prepares for her journey! Please be with my family and friends as they grieve their loss. And please hold my hand as I get ready to say goodbye.
  36. Lord, help me to start this day with a grateful heart, I’m thanking you for another day of amazing grace. Lord, I repent of all my sins past, present and future and promise to live for you today. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
  37. Thank you for the good things that I have and for my good health. Thank you for my family, friends, our home, and my job. Thank you for giving me the strength to face each day.  I thank you God for your blessings

Also See: Happy Friday Message To My Love Quotes

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