Can’t wait to cuddle you Quotes

Can’t Wait To Cuddle You Quotes for Him or Her

Finding the right words to express your love can be difficult. You can say “I love you” but it can be hard to say things like, “I want to snuggle every day”. That’s why we need Can’t Wait To Cuddle You quotes. They are great ways to show your love in a way that is uniquely yours.

I Can’t Wait to Cuddle You Quotes

  1. Can’t wait to cuddle you when I get home from work.
  2. Can’t wait to cuddle you when I get back from class tonight. Everyone’s going out, I was hoping I could just stay in with you and watch Netflix instead. Can’t wait to spend time with you.
  3. I can’t wait to cuddle you, I miss you so much my love. I am sending you a ton of hugs, kisses and love from where I’m at!
  4. I feel like I’m about to sprain my finger, but I can’t stop clicking your latest photo on Facebook. Our anniversary is in three days and I’m so excited! I’m going to fill your fridge up with flowers, buy you some shoes and even cook you a nice dinner. Then we can do whatever you want to do. Can’t wait to cuddle you!
  5. I can’t wait to cuddle you for the rest of my life. I love you so much.
  6. I can’t wait to cuddle with you tonight. I bet you look great in that new shirt I bought you. I hope you are ready to watch the game because I’m going to need your help with my fantasy football team.
  7. Can’t wait to cuddle you. You are my everything! You’re not just my boyfriend or my lover. You’re my best friend too!  You know how to make me laugh, how to comfort me, and how to make me so happy I can’t think straight! I love you more than the stars that dot the sky even more than chocolate ice cream! Thank you for filling my life with your love and giving me endless joy.
  8. Can’t wait to cuddle you. I love you bunches and bunches. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are too good to be true.
  9. I can’t wait to cuddle you and smell your beautiful hair as I hold you close. It’s so perfect and wavy just the way I like it! It’s been a crazy week and I can’t wait to wake up next to you on the weekend, with no work or responsibilities in sight. All I want is to lie with you and feel your warm arms wrapped around me.
  10. I can’t wait to cuddle you later, I miss you so much. Love you and have a good day at work.
  11. I can’t wait to cuddle with you in the morning. To run my fingers through your hair, kiss your little nose, hug you tight and whisper ‘I love you’.
  12. Hey. I’m so excited to see you today. i love cuddling with you, because you are so warm and cuddly. i cannot wait to cuddle again soon, you’re by far the best coddler I’ve ever had!
  13. Can’t wait to cuddle you. I’m really looking forward to coming home and cuddling with you tonight. I love you so much. I hope my day goes well and that I get to see you after work.
  14. When I am with you, I feel so much love. You fill my heart with so much life that I can’t stop smiling and laughing. Every time we talk or cuddle my heart just melts inside. You are the light of my life and the most amazing man I have ever met. Can’t wait to cuddle you.
  15. I can’t wait until I get to see you to cuddle you. I’m eager for the moment you walk through my door. I will scoop you up in a big hug and squeeze you tight. I don’t know what life would be without you but I love being around you. You have my heart, and now I wouldn’t change a thing.
  16. I can’t wait to see you again my love to cuddle you, I miss you and can’t wait to see you again! I want to be in your arms so bad!
  17. Can’t wait to cuddle you and kiss you goodnight. I love u, my dear fiancé.
  18. Hey baby I can’t wait to cuddle you tonight and hold you tight. Since we are going to have a long week apart I am counting down the days till I get to see your smiling face. I will jump in the shower just after you’re done and let you sleep as late as possible. I love you and can’t wait till the weekend so we can see each other again!
  19. How much i miss you… your touch… Your smell… I can’t wait to see you again, to cuddle with you.
  20. There are a lot of things I can’t wait to do with you, and cuddling is one of them. Yes. I like to think about you and I cuddled up close on the couch and just talking in bed. I like thinking about how much I enjoy sharing my life with you. Should we ever have children, what a great dad you’ll make: organized, strong, patient, understanding and loving. You always know just how to cheer me up when I felt bad.
  21. We haven’t been apart that long, but it feels like an eternity. Seeing you that morning, I was filled with so many happy feelings. Melody was playing in the background, and I got to cuddle you for a minute before work. I miss those cuddles already!
  22. Can’t wait to cuddle you. I know this will sound hollow, but I don’t want to let you go even though we are still in the same room. You are everything to me, my best friend and love of my life. I never want to spend one day without you by my side.
  23. Can’t wait to cuddle you in your arms tonight. i love you so much baby, you make me feel so special. i adore you.
  24. I can’t wait to cuddle with you and hear what you are up too. i love you even though I’m not supposed to tell no one!
  25. I can’t wait to cuddle you tonight, I got your PJ’s ready just waiting on you so we can snuggle under the covers and talk about all our troubles of the day. I love you baby.
  26. I’m looking forward to seeing my gorgeous leading lady tomorrow. I can’t wait to cuddle you and whisper in your ear how much I love you!
  27. I wish I could right now, but I’m freezing and don’t want to wake up anyone. I miss hugging you! If it were possible I would cuddle with you every night.
  28. I can’t wait to see you and cuddle you. I miss you so much. You are the cutest and most amazing spouse in the world. I will be home before you know it, and we can cuddle like every night before bed. I love you!
  29. Sorry I’m not with you right now… I just miss you so much and can’t wait to be with you again.
  30. Can’t wait to cuddle you. I can’t wait to be back home. I miss reading our books together. When we cuddle and read together it feels so safe, so isolated from the world. You are my favorite person in all of history and I am looking forward to spending every day with you.
  31. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I love you so much and there is no one I would rather spend my life with! I can’t wait to cuddle you at night, make you smile during the day and stop time whenever we’re together.
  32. I can’t wait to cuddle you in the morning and kiss your lips over and over again and make you breakfast.
  33. I love all the little things you do, they make me feel so special. You hold my hand when we walk, you kiss me on my forehead just because. I love it when you text me in the middle of the day to tell me how much you miss me. I will always cherish being with you! Can’t wait to cuddle you.
  34. You are the love of my life, and without you id be put in an eternal sorrow, I’ll never forget the day we met, I fell in love with your face and personality, but more importantly your mother told me you were blonde.  Can’t wait to cuddle you.
  35. Can’t wait to cuddle you. Nothing fills my heart more than loving you and making you smile. You mean so much to me and I want everyone to see it. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you and never let go.
  36. Can’t wait to cuddle you. You light up my heart. You breathe life into me and make me so happy. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you. You are my best friend in the whole world and I love you more than you can imagine.
  37. How much I can’t wait for us to be together again. Every day away from you is full of emptiness, but I hope you enjoy your time off from work. With all that you do for me and with everything we share, there are no words to tell how much I appreciate you. I love you, babe!
  38. Thru the long days, and cold nights, You’re still there for me just as you told me that you would you are always by my side I see your smile, warm and bright, I can’t wait to hold you in my arms tonight to cuddle you.
  39. I can’t wait to cuddle you quote is a cute – romantic way to tell someone how much you’re looking forward to seeing them again.
  40. I can’t wait to cuddle you, Hold your hand, Be with you every step of the way… I love you.
  41. I want to cuddle and snuggle in bed with you very bad. I love you, baby.
  42. The times i spend with you are the things that get me through my day. Your lips, your eyes, your smell.. everything about you makes my heart skip a beat. I don’t know how i got so lucky to have you in my life but I’m so glad i did!
  43. I can’t wait to cuddle with you again, and spend another day wrapped up in your arms. I love you so much!
  44. Boyfriend, I can’t wait to cuddle you again, you warm my heart and make it beat faster when I’m near you. I’ve never felt this way about someone and I don’t want to let it go either. All I want is to be with you in your arms and feel your heartbeat next to mine.
  45. Can’t wait to hold you close and cuddle with u tonight. I love you so much my Jen… want to write your name on my palm so that when I am old, I can remember how lucky I was to have someone like you in my life..
  46. You are in my thoughts every second. I can’t wait to be wrapped in your loving arms. I love you!
  47. I can’t wait to cuddle with you tonight. I hope you are feeling well and that the rest of your day was great!
  48. I can’t wait to be in your arms again, to hold you tight, I hope you get my flowers and my teddy bear, tell him hello from me!
  49. Can’t wait to cuddle with you. Even if we live in separate houses, I will always have a place in my heart for you. I love you more than I could ever put into words.
  50. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, so I can hold you in my arms and get ready for an amazing weekend. I miss you already.

Also See: Sending You A Warm Hug Quotes

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