I Miss the Love of My Life Quotes

I Miss the Love of My Life Quotes & Messages for Him or Her

I Miss the Love of My Life Quotes – Here is a collection of the best and most beautiful “I Miss You Love Quotes” that you are sure to LOVE! If you are missing someone and want to tell them, then here is the place where you can find just what you are looking for.

We have Compiled Some I miss the love of my Life Quotes you can copy and paste to him or her.

I Miss the Love of My Life Quotes

I miss the love of my life. I don’t know what to do without her in my arms. My heart is growing weaker by the day and I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. She was like a drug to me that made me feel euphoric every second, now all I have are those memories I cherish. It was fun while it lasted.

 I miss you so much. I wish we could spend time together. I feel as though my heart were frozen & that I will never love again.

 I miss you so much! Every day it’s harder and harder to go on without you. Every moment I feel your presence. I even catch myself talking to you in my sleep. I miss the way we used to talk, laugh, love and care for each other. Please come back to me so that I can hold your hand again and spend every second of my life with you. Until then, this note will have to do.

 I can’t stand not talking to you, picturing you or just plain hearing your voice. I miss you so much and I love you more than life itself.

 I miss you so much. It seems like every time I’m able to see you, it’s only for a short time. I love every second of those little visits though. I cherish them all so much because they are memories I would never trade for the world – the best memories of my life.

 My heart aches for home and a life with you. I don’t know the right words to make you feel better, so instead I will just promise to love you forever.

I miss your cuddles, I miss our kisses and late night chats too. I miss all of the way you make me laugh and smile.

 You are the love of my life and I can’t imagine spending it with anyone else. I cherish every moment, every day, and wish they never ended. I love you with all my heart and soul.

 The love of my life is on holiday. I just want to spend the whole time loudly complaining about how much I miss him. I could never say enough, or show him how much he means to me. It feels like all the good things that happen in my life come when he is around too.

 My darling, I miss you so much. I can’t stop thinking about you. You might be coming home soon and I can’t wait to see you. I think about our time together and yearn for your touch.

Also check: I Miss You More Than You Know Quotes with Images

I Miss the Love of My Life Messages

I have loved you from the moment I saw you.  I love your beautiful eyes, your smile, and your laugh. I love your dimples when you are embarrassed and your adorable laugh. I love the way you kiss me with purpose every morning before work. I love the way you hold me and whisper sweet things in my ear. I just love everything about you! Please come back Dear, I miss you.

I miss you every day. I miss your smile, your smell, your eyes, your touch. Waiting to feel you again has been the hardest thing to do without. When you left it felt like half my heart went with you. I love your so much. I just miss you…

 Even though it’s you and I against the world, I feel so far away from you. I wonder if the feeling will ever go away or if I will be alone like this forever. Maybe we just aren’t intended to be together, and my heart has another plan for me. A plan that is far more exciting, adventurous and full of passion than I could have ever imagined with you. But that’s okay because the pain that comes from missing your love is better than living a life without you.

 I have never had to wait for someone else, but it is hard to have to wait for you now. It seems like the longer I am away from you the more my love gets stronger. I can’t wait until we can be together again, I miss you!

I love you more than you will ever know. I may not be with you, but my love for you grows stronger everyday. I Miss You

 You have made me feel things I didn’t know it was possible to feel. When you say my name I get butterflies. You are such an amazing person and when you look at me with those beautiful eyes I just melt. I will love you forever and always no matter what.

Also See: Cute I Miss You Quotes For Him – Status & Messages for (Boyfriend,Husband)

I Miss Someone Special in My Life

 My sweetheart, i am only a thought away from you my darling. In the midst of daily chaos, i keep a space for you in my heart always and forever. I miss you more than words can say, but everyday we are together in some way and in every way we continue to grow.

 I’m missing a very special person in my life. I miss having a hug, a smile and a laugh every day. There are so many things that she does for me that she doesn’t even know about. I want to thank her for making the most amazing person in my life. Her answer has always been yes and it will continue to be yes. I love you because you are so caring, honest and loving. You are perfect in every way.

I miss you so much. I find myself thinking of you often and wanting to see you but the distance between us is too great. I wish I could hold you in my arms right now and feel your warmth and body next to mine. We have been apart for far too long, please come home.

 Hi Baby! I miss you so much. I hope to see you soon – we need to talk about everything, especially after not seeing each other for a week. I miss you too much and can’t stop thinking about you. I’m always thinking of how amazing you are and how important you are to me. You own my life. There’s nothing like our love. My love is pure with only one person – YOU. 

 I miss you, every day. I would call and text to tell you how much I love you only I can’t because you have gone away. Your family says you are away on business but I don’t believe them. How can someone so full of life just disappear? You live in my heart and always will, my love.

 I miss someone special in my life. I miss you. Having you in my life made things so much better. Thanks to you. You were my best friend and I learned about life by watching you. Thanks for the memories and know that I will never forget them.

 I miss someone special in my life. I think of you every day I hope that we will be together soon. You complete me and I just want to be with you for the rest of my life.”

 I miss someone special in my life and I just want them to know just how much I love and miss them. It has been awhile since we were able to be together but my heart still longs for them day in and day out. I just wish for the day we will be together again. That they would come back into my life without any hesitation or regrets and yet in the end their love would shine brighter than before.

 There’s so many things i want to say, but I don’t know where to start. I’ve been thinking of you since the moment we said goodbye. You’re still my friend and my lover even though we’re miles apart. My heart is yours, and as long as it beats i’ll cherish every minute with you.

 I miss you so much, I wish we were still together. I still love you, and want to be with you. We had the best times together. Love is not about possession, but caring and appreciation of what you have.

 My love for you is so strong. I miss us being together and all the talks we had. I know things will get better but until then just know I hold you in my heart.

 Every night when I go to bed, I whisper your name. I look at the stars and think about how lucky I am to have you in my life. We had some rough patches in our path, but I knew we would make it through them. When one door closes, another one opens.  Every time you smile at me my heart melts because it is filled with so much love. I can never find the right words to express all of the love I feel for you.

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