Keep Laughing Quotes

Keep Laughing Quotes, Messages and Sayings

Laughter is a remarkable medicine for the body and the mind. Whether you’re dealing with good or bad times, these keep laughing quotes can give you an extra boost of energy and make everything feel just that little bit better.

Keep Laughing Quotes

  1. Keep laughing! It will always be the best medicine in the world. I cherish all of the memories we share and that you are my best friend. You’ve kept me sane and happy throughout our time together. I will love you now and until the end of time.
  2. I just want to say that it’s important, no matter how many years pass, keep laughing. It’s the smile that will last a lifetime. Smiles are contagious but laughter is a Bonus!!!
  3. I am so thankful for you every day. You have such a kind and generous heart and I love you for it. I hope you know that your laughter keeps me grounded when we are together and then my soul is at peace when we are apart. You can make any day better with your contagious smile and beautiful eyes. Thanks for being the best part of me.
  4. You are my best friend; you make me laugh on a daily basis. You always find ways to cheer me up when I am down. When we get old and grey you will still be the one who makes me laugh!
  5. I hope you aren’t tired of all the love I shower upon you, but I like to make sure my feelings are known. So here it goes. I LOVE YOU. Not only do I wish on a star to dream about you, the moon glows extra bright when you come around. My heart skips a beat with every text and every phone call. You are my one and only! Forever in Love!
  6. I love making you laugh and seeing your dimples. From the moment we met, I knew you were someone special and then you smiled at me. You are a wonderful boyfriend and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
  7. I will always remember our times together and I will smile thinking about it. I have never laughed so much. I am a happier person for knowing you, thank you.
  8. I hope this card will make you smile; keep you smiling and bring the laughter that I always cherish hearing. Have a great day and remember that even when you’re tuckered or blue, I’m your biggest fan!
  9. I love you. Every single little piece of you, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. I never want to let you go. I will always hold your hand and keep your heart safe with me. You are my best friend and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.
  10. I just had to tell you that I just think about how much fun we have together and it makes me laugh. I love how smart & silly you are! Your soul shines through the darkest moments. To the moon & back for you.
  11. You know that feeling you get when something really funny happens? Well, I feel like that all the time when I’m with you! You are the funniest person I have ever met, and I mean that in a good way.
  12. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I’m glad I got so lucky. You are such an amazing human being! I love talking to you, I love laughing with you, and I love sharing my life with you.
  13. Have a good day! I do want you to know that I appreciate everything that you do for me and all the love that you give. I’ll always cherish you even if you are at times too stubborn to express how much you love me.
  14. I wish every day could be like this. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and we are together. It’s a beautiful day outside and so beautiful inside, filled with love and joy. I just want to tell you that I love you!
  15. I don’t know if you laugh as hard as I do when we talk, but your laugh is one of my favorite things in the world. I love laughing with you and smile every time I think about laughing with you.
  16. I am so lucky to have you in my life. We’ve laughed, loved and cried together. You are great friend, a wonderful lover and the best person I know. I love you with all my heart and hold you very dear to my heart.
  17. You’re my favorite person in the world, and I’m glad to be around you. We have an awesome time together, and I hope we can do so for a long time. You make me laugh all the time, and you really are a great guy. I want to laugh with you and smile with you for the rest of our lives.
  18. Big hugs, small kisses and endless laughs. That’s what I’m going to wish you in the morning and that is what I am going to care for you the whole day.
  19. I fell in love with your beautiful smile, the twinkle in your eye and that gorgeous hair. But most importantly I’m in love with your personality. The way you make me laugh. The ways you make my heart melt. And the ways you support me in everything I do.
  20. I want you to know how much I love you and how very special you are to me. You are my lover, my confidant, my best friend and my partner in crime. I just want to tell you that I love and appreciate you so much!
  21. I may not be able to give you everything, but I’ll do my best. I’ve got a plan for us, so don’t worry. I’ll love you as long as we are together
  22. I just wanted to tell you again today, how much I love and appreciate our friendship. You’ve meant so much to me, especially after having gone through some really hard times over the past few years – cancer, surgery and other challenges in my life. Having you there for support, advice and a good laugh has made all the difference in the world to me. I don’t know what I would have done without you and I’m very happy and grateful every day that we’ve been friends!
  23. When I stand next to you, there isn’t a thing in the world, I fear. Saving the world isn’t easy, but with you by my side it sure does seem worth it. Your amazing insights and optimism make me smile. I feel so safe in your presence, and I just can’t stop laughing at all the stupid things you say. We are a team unlike any other. Thanks for being my partner in crime!
  24. You are the best thing that’s happened to me. I don’t deserve a friend like you. You make me feel like I can do anything and I’m a better person because of you. I love you!
  25. I love how you always know how to make me laugh. You can always bring a smile to my face no matter what is going on in the world. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are amazing and so much fun to be with. Keep laughing!
  26. You are amazing. I will always laugh along with you because your jokes are amusing to me and your crazy sense of humor makes me happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. You have made a difference in my life in every way possible and I appreciate you every single day. You light up my world just by being alive and I love you for that more than anything else.”
  27. I love you because you make me laugh. You know just what to say to cheer me up when I’m down. I love it when you tell me stupid jokes, and then make fun of me for laughing at them. My life is so much better because I have you in it, and I will never stop loving you!
  28. My friend, to know you is to love you. You are sweet, kind, intelligent and your beautiful eyes could melt the coldest of hearts. I feel like I can talk to you about anything and trust that you will never judge me or give up on me. I would walk through hell with a gasoline bath if it meant keeping you by my side! Love ya always.
  29. You are one of the funniest people I know. You make me laugh every single day, you have a great personality and I adore everything about you. You’ve come into my life like a storm and now I just can’t stop thinking about you.
  30. You are not only the love of my life, but my best friend. Our eyes met across a crowded room, something magical happened, and here we are! You are the best person I know and you always make me laugh.
  31. I hope you know that I love you more than life itself. I will always be here for you, no matter what may come. You are a humorous person who has brought me more joy than anyone else in this world.
  32. I love you. I really do. And let me tell you why. You make me laugh when I’m tired, you listen when I have a problem, and you’re cute too! That’s why I love you. Let’s be best friends forever. I love you!
  33. I love you. Let’s be best friends forever. You are amazing. You make me laugh, you listen to me, and you’re cute too! That’s why I love you. I hope we can be friends forever. Love ya!
  34. You are my best friend. I love how easy it is to talk with you. You always make me laugh when my day has been bad, and you listen when I need to talk. You’re the most gorgeous girl in the whole world, and I can’t wait until we get older so we can be more than just friends. Love you!
  35. I am really happy to be able to have you as my best friend. You are there for me when I need you, you listen to me when I need advice, and you’re so nice too! That’s why I’m so happy that I can call you my best friend. Here’s to hoping we’ll be friends forever!
  36. I can’t believe we’ve known each other for so long. You always make me laugh, you’re always there when I need it, and you’re just the best. Let’s be best friends forever.
  37. I can’t imagine a world without you. You always know how to make me smile and laugh, even when I feel like the whole world is against me. My favorite thing about us is that we get to be best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend all at once. We don’t need words to show how much we care; our actions say it all. Not only are you my soulmate but also my best friend who understands me better than anyone else does. I can’t wait for what’s next in line with you because I know it’ll be the best time of my life!
  38. So, life is pretty much my favorite thing ever. It’s fun. We should go out and do more fun things. I like how we always support each other’s goals and dreams, even if we can’t always be there for them. I’m always proud of you, don’t ever forget that.
  39. Hey! I’m here to tell you to keep laughing. If life gets you down and you feel like you want to cry, just stop and think back of a time where you were happy and start smiling again. I want you to know that I’m here for you.

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