Make Time For Those You Love Quotes

Make Time For Those You Love Quotes

Make time for those you love quotes – these quotes about making time for loved ones are guaranteed to bring some warmth and cheeriness to any special day.

Make Time For Those You Love Quotes

  1. Making time for the people you love in your life is important. Give them a call and tell them how much you enjoy spending time with them. As a famous saying goes: Don’t wait for someone else to do it be the change that you wish to see in this world.
  2. It’s important to take the time to tell those you love how beautiful they are and how much you enjoy spending time with them. Remember, it doesn’t have to be someone else. You can choose a completely different course of action.
  3. Make time for those you love. Life is too short to take for granted. It’s important to remember the special people in our lives and make time to tell them how amazing they are. Don’t wait around hoping that someone will do it for you.
  4. Sometimes in this busy world, you need to remember that people come first. Remind the people in your life how special they are to you and make them feel loved. You can do this by sending flowers or a personal message to remind those who are crucial to you that you appreciate them. Make time for those you love Dearly.
  5. Make time for those you love. Life is too short to waste time with people who don’t enrich our lives. Make it a point to treat the special people in your life, with attention and affectionate gestures. Don’t just say the words, show them that they matter with your actions.
  6. Make time for those you love. While the pursuit of my career is important, it’s our friends and family that gives us meaning in life. I wholeheartedly believe in setting aside time every day to reach out and remind other how much they mean to us.
  7. Make time for those you love. Time spent with those you love is never wasted. There are hundreds of things that you wish you had time for, but never do. So why not use this time to spend with the people you care most about in your life?
  8. Thank you for always making time for me. It makes me feel important and needed. I know sometimes it’s hard but I will always cherish that you made it happen. When I could sit around and do nothing, you took the time to make me see things or have a good time. That’s all I ask for. To be with someone who cares if I have done anything exciting since yesterday. Love you always, baby!
  9. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I love you! Please make time to spend with me. I want you in my arms and in my bed every night. I miss holding your hand, running my fingers through your hair, and kissing you tenderly. I miss our unrushed time together. Even our hurried time is better than none at all!
  10. Make time for those you love. The best times in life are spent with the people you love. Every time I get to spend with you, my heart is filled with joy and happiness. Thank you for sharing your love with me. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
  11. Making time for you and your loved ones is one of life’s most important treasures. It is the most valuable gift of all. I am so lucky to fall asleep in your arms at night, wake up to your beautiful smile and share a morning cup of coffee on the porch. I love you my sweetheart!
  12. Make time for those you love. We are so lucky to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like falling asleep in each others arms, waking up to a beautiful smile and sharing a morning cup of coffee on the porch.
  13. I never take for granted the time we spend together. To fall asleep in your arms, is a precious luxury. Your smile is like a sunrise, lighting up my morning and brightening my day. Enjoying coffee together on the porch is a moment of true luxury that I cherish forever. You are my sweetheart; my one true luxury. I was born to love you.
  14. Holding you tightly, inhaling your scent and feeling the warmth of your body lying next to me is truly the most luxurious gift I could ever imagine. It’s this simple treasure that makes me love you even more each day. I will always make time for you my love.
  15. Our love is a love that only the classiest of people deserve. The fact that we get to share that love every day is a true gift; a gift that I never take for granted. I cherish our time together, and it’s an honor to be your partner and lover. I will always make time for you.
  16. Make time for those you love. It’s about time for you to treat yourself and your loved ones to a gift that is truly priceless, and deserves your appreciation.
  17. Remember to take time to enjoy your life. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat right and exercise. Love and be kind to others, take some time out of your day to enjoy the world around you. Remember Before something goes terribly wrong in your life. You will have plenty of time to sit around and regret that you did not enjoy the time you had on this planet with those closest to you. Do not wait around for a better tomorrow. spend time with those who love and care
  18. My love, you mean more to me than anything else in the world – and I don’t know what I would do if you were ever taken from me. I promise to always make time for you, and never get so caught up in my life that I forget about our love.
  19. I just want to let you know, I treasure every moment that we share. You are my one, my only. I love you more and more each day, it’s true. I’ve written a special poem for all the love you bring, so let me show you…I will always make time for the people I love.
  20. I feel more in love with you everyday. The more I spend time with you, the more our relationship grows. Time isn’t the only thing that will keep us together. As long as we have love and each other, we are unstoppable!
  21. Make time for those you love. Love is one of the most precious and beautiful things that we can ever experience. The feeling is not always mutual, but even if they don’t love you back do not feel discouraged. It may seem like it’s not worth it at the time, but when you least expect it, they will surprise you with their love. Know that all the struggles and heartbreak are worth it in the end and someday love will come back to you tenfold.
  22. You are more than just a girlfriend, you are a best friend, my lover and soon to be wife. Everything with you is special, I try to put in the effort to do it right. The little gifts are nice but the time we spend together is great. I want to make this last, I want it to grow forever. I want everyone in the world to know I love you! Make time for those you love.
  23. Life isn’t always fair, but it is still good! And because I think it’s good, I must underline the wisdom of making time for those we love. To keep my life in perspective, to savor the gift of being alive and most of all, to be able to share my wonderful life with those who are most special to me.
  24. Make time for those you love. Life moves so hurriedly these days. You get caught up in the day to day grind, you forget to slow down, take a deep breath and remember what’s important. That is why it is so important to make time for loved ones. Do something special for them; tell them how much you love them. Show them how important they are. You never know what tomorrow will bring, you should treasure every precious moment with those who matter most right now.
  25. Make time for those you love. Remember to cherish the people you love because you never know when it will be the last time you say, I love you so much.
  26. When you open this gift, know that I have made the time to come and be with you. You are important to me, and there is nothing more important than our love.
  27. Make time for those you love…Time is precious. It cannot be bought or sold. There’s never enough time for all the things I want to do. All of which include you. I dread the day we’re no longer together because then my life will be left with nothing but regret.
  28. Make time for those you love. My family and friends mean the world to me, you are all I could ever want in a group of companions. These cards are to show you that I care more than anything in this world, this is just a small token of my love.
  29. Make time for those you love. I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I love you and appreciate how wonderful you are and what a treasure you are to me. May all your dreams come true!
  30. Make time for those you love. They are the ones who make a difference in your life. Greet each day with smiles, laughter, and genuinely take time to care for and appreciate those around you.
  31. Give your time to those you love. They are the ones who make a difference in your life. Begin each day with a smile and take time to appreciate and look after all those around you.
  32. As we walk through life, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our busy schedules. However, it is important to slow down and appreciate those who have made a difference in our lives. Create time for loved ones, embrace the little things, such as laughter and smiles. Make the most of each day by taking time to care for yourself and appreciate those around you.
  33. Focusing on those you love is what will make the difference in your life. Make time for the most important people and take solace in knowing that making the right choices will create a lifetime of happiness.
  34. Each day can be filled with the happiness of those close to you. Spend time with people you care about, laugh often, and take interest in their daily lives.
  35. Make time for those you love. Seize the day, and the moment. Appreciate each experience with those around you fully because the next one may not be as exquisite.
  36. Make time for those you love. Enjoy every moment in life. Make it count and live fully. Every day is a gift to be celebrated, and happy smiles are the path to great success.
  37. Make time for those you love. Time is one of the most luxurious things we have, so spend it wisely. After you’ve done what you can for yourself and your family, shift your focus to those who have helped you along the way.
  38. Make time for those you love. Enjoying the good life is for those who appreciate beauty, culture, and the richness of personal experiences. Live life to its fullest.
  39. Make time for those you love. I made the mistake of not making time for the people I love in my life. Don’t make that same mistake. Treasure each moment you have with those you love.
  40. Time is of the essence for me, with my busy schedule. I’m counting on you to help me meet my deadlines and take care of things around the house. Make time for those you love. We can spend our limited free time together, doing things we both enjoy.

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