New Week Prayer For My Husband

New Week Prayer For My Husband with Quotes

Let’s try our hand in writing a prayer for my husband that will touch his heart and give him hope to keep on the path of being a good man, worthy of the love and trust of his wife. So, I gathered up these New Week Prayer For My Husband and am sharing them with you.

New Week Prayer For My Husband

  1. Dear Lord, I pray for my husband for his health and well-being. I am thankful for the gift of life you have given him to live this week. May he start a new week with wisdom, kindness and understanding in his heart. Please continue to bless us from above that all our needs may be met prosperously and satisfyingly. Let there be goodness in every endeavor he undertakes; abundance in his finances, peace in his home, joys of family love, undisturbed sleep. Amen!
  2. Dear Lord, please bless my husband. I pray that you bring him peace on this new week, I pray that you guide his footsteps in life and give him courage to face the challenges before him. I pray that you provide peace with all his cares and lighten his burdens. Please help him love me better. Please give us the strength to face unending challenges in love and faith. Let your blessings be with our relationship!
  3. Please accept this prayer for my husband; wherever he may be in the world. It is said that if a person is ill on one side of the world, the other side suffers as well. Lets us pray that the love of our lives will have peace, happiness, health and prosperity.
  4. A little prayer for my hubby: Lord please watch over him this whole week. Let good things happen and let bad things be prevented. Bless his body, soul and mind that he may always have the strength and determination to do the right thing. Work behind the scene and guide his actions so that he can be a better man, husband, father and person in general.
  5. Lord, I pray for my husband. This week I want him to be healthy and safe in your hands. If a door is closed, I pray that you will open another one for him. This week bring good things our way. I pray that he will find a little time everyday to spend with us and talk as a family. Keep us as a team and strengthen our family unity in all we do. Guide him in his work and always be by his side.
  6. Dearest, I know that we both had a lot of stress this week.  We made it through together, and we will keep on doing so. Despite the fact that some days seem tense and urgent, please know that I love you. You are in my thoughts most every minute of every day. I hope that this weekend will provide us with the chance to reconnect and rejuvenate our minds, bodies and spirits. With hopes of leaving the stresses of the week behind us, I wish you well.
  7. Please help my husband today to get everything he needs done at work and home. Guide him in the right direction and protect him from the people who may try to take advantage of his kindness. Please deliver him to me safely each night to our home. I love you and appreciate all that you do for me!
  8. I have asked God to help guide you and provide you with the direction you need to make correct decisions that will lead you in the path of truth. You are a great man and I know our marriage is blessed by God. I love you!
  9. This week brings new beginnings, with you by my side we can do anything. I am so glad to be your wife, your friend and soul mate forever. I can’t wait for what the future brings us. God bless your week!
  10. Thank you for spending another week with me. I appreciate everything you do for our family and home. I hope your day is filled with happiness and joy, especially knowing that I am a part of it. Have a great week!
  11. My dear husband, I pray that you can show strength in this upcoming week. At times, it can be difficult to see the purpose of a situation or hardship. But in the end, if we are patient, trusting in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we will receive the virtue of being faithful and true! Do not fear; he will bring you through these rough patches and the only way out will be through. And remember- I am here for you. I love you!
  12. Dear God, Thank you so much for my husband…Thank you so much for the wonderful children we have been blessed with. Please guide and protect my husband everyday. Know all his troubles and solve them as soon as possible. Bless him with good health, wisdom, understanding and love…Dear Lord shower your blessing upon him so he can be all that you have call him to be, Amen!
  13. To my love, if there is one truth in the world, it has to be somewhere in what I feel for you. I love you and trust we can overcome this life together. I thank God for bringing us together, nor sure what I have done to deserve such a wonderful man in my life. I could not ask for more than you. Thank you for loving me so much, now and forever! God bless you, always!
  14. Dear Lord, I will pray. I will focus on what is truly important. I will not dwell on the little things. I will put my husband first and make him happy. I love him very much and want him to be proud of me. Please bless him…
  15. Sweet Husband, I pray for your happiness and success during this New Week. May the Lord guide you and show you the way. May He reward you for being a good husband and lead us to spend many years together. Lord, bless my husband during this new week. Finally, I pray that our relationship be united in love and joy.
  16. Happy New week my love.  hope this turn out to be a good week they say time flies when you are having fun I think it’s because time moves faster as you get older and we have been together so long but I still feel like I just met you. But you are right that doesn’t matter that just makes me love you even more. I would not change anything about the last 10years. Love You Always!
  17. Good morning, my love! I pray this day will be a good one for us. Thanks for having me in your life. I am grateful every day of young man who have brought so much passion and joy into my life. You’ve shown me what it means to be the loved one, and the gift that it is to receive love. I value our relationship more than anything, and I thank God every day for bringing you into my life.
  18. Dear God, I pray for the strength to carry on. To face this week and any other that comes my way with your help. Give me faith to believe you will do what is best for you, for me and for our family. Bless my husband Rob with all he needs to be a good provider and protector. Please help him return home safely each day, let this week be easier than the last. In your name I pray Amen!
  19. Our Lord, help my sweetheart navigate the week of 2-4-2012. Help him find the peace and strength in his heart to feel your love in his life. Help him find joy that so rarely visited in the last year.
  20. Good morning, sweetheart. I woke up thinking about you and how much our lives have changed over the last year. We’ve been married for a year and a half now, making everyday that we get to spend together a blessing.
  21. I know that there will be many challenges ahead of us. But I am grateful to have met you in the midst of it all. You genuinely care and understand what I need and that is just another reason why I truly love and appreciate you for who you are!
  22. Good morning my love. I know that this week will be hard and stressful for you, but please know that I am here for you if you need any help. I wish nothing but success for you this week and will sacrifice everything that I can do to help you win that promotion. Good luck!
  23. A new week is beginning and I pray for the Lord’s watchful eye over my husband, that no one tries to pull him away from us. Don’t let him forget the things we have taught him, don’t let him stray from his path! Father, help him to trust You in everything he does and every place he goes. I pray that Your hand will be upon his heart, mind, and soul as he goes through each day, that he knows You are with him wherever he may be.
  24. Please let Monday be a good day for my husband: no traffic, no painful deadlines, no pileups on the freeway. Let him have peace and only see goodness wherever he goes. Time to work hard, but not too much time to concentrate on too many things at once. May he smile a lot as he gets out of bed and make it through the whole day without grumbling or becoming frustrated. Please give him strength to handle every challenge and enough patience to stay calm about problems.
  25. To my husband, you always show me such kindness and love. It brings a smile to my face to know that you are there for me. I really enjoy our friendship and rely on you so much in my life. I just want you to know how much I love you and how thankful I am to have a wonderful husband like you. Thanks for being there with me. Blessings!
  26. My prayer for you today is all about rededicating your heart to our love. I pray that you will always look out for me and put me above everything else. I pray that you will see my needs and how the things you do affect me. I pray that this week turns out to be great! I love you and thank god for granting us a wonderful life together.
  27. I pray that you have a great week. I am thinking about you and hope everything goes well. You are my life and so much more. I love you, now and forever!
  28. I want to wish you a great week ahead, I am also grateful for your presence that I really appreciate in my life as we go through this journey of life side by side. Staying strong is what we have and we will always be together. God will never separate us as we are just so happy to have each other forever. May God keep His blessing on us as days go on. Thank you for your invaluable presence in my life.
  29. I pray that you would do well at work, that you would find whatever answers you are looking for and that people would be respectful of your time and space. I pray for a peaceful week for you.
  30. I pray that this week will be peaceful for you. That you will experience the love and support of your family and friends. Know that I love you, now and always.
  31. Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Week, My Darling Husband! I am looking forward to another exciting week with you. My prayer for this new week is that you will be Blessed with love and happiness. May your work become a success and may our home be filled with warm sunshine light of love and joy.
  32. Dear Lord, I pray that my husband and I spend the new week with a big smile. I pray to you that our family will be safe and sound, I really need him in my life.
  33. Dear God, please help my husband have the best week ever! I pray your love shines upon him like never before! Amen!

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