Sweet Message For Long Distance Husband

Sweet Message For Long Distance Husband

It’s hard, but you love him. It’s lonely, but a relationship is not easy!! Get inspired with these creative Sweet message for long distance husband quotes.

Sweet Message For Long Distance Husband

  1. Long distance never stopped us from being together. Even though we live on opposite sides of the country sometimes I feel like you are right here with me. Every day you are in my heart and I can’t wait to see how much our love will grow as we spend more time together. I miss you so very much my love!
  2. As we’re on a long distance relationship, I know how hard it is to be away from each other, especially during this time of the year. You’re missing even my bad cooking and Anthony already stacked the Christmas gifts in our room (but I did wrap them, so he can open another present everyday!). I just wish you were here to tell me you love me every morning and hug me every night.
  3. I missed you this morning when I woke up. I missed the way you’d wake me up by kissing my neck and playing with my hair. I miss lying in your arms before we had to get up, it was like nothing else existed. Not even time could separate us. Yesterday broke me with sadness, because it was a reminder of how long we have been apart, but I know that in a month from now, it will only be a slight memory…
  4. I miss you. When I wake up and my arms don’t find you there I feel lonely. When I eat dinner by myself and no one shares the wine I drink, I feel your absence from my side…
  5. Dearest husband, even though we’re in two completely different countries. I’m so damn lucky to have a man that loves me as much as You Do. So I know that you deserve all the love in the world dearest!
  6. I’ve heard it said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I think they’re wrong. Nothing is more difficult than living apart from someone you love. Long distance relationships take real dedication and effort to maintain, it has thought me what it really means to love someone and miss them so much but you can’t just help, cause they are not there with you. I really miss you honey!
  7. Our relationship started off going through the speed of light. Everything was perfect. But it’s been a year since we talked and since then, I lost the meaning of my life. I was happy with you, but now I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I miss you baby!
  8. I know that tears in the corner of your eyes, I see it every day because far away from me you are crying and lonely. But I know that this is not the time to cry and alone, regretting and angry with fate because I would have to wait for so long before seeing you in my arms again. Always remember that I love you honey!
  9. I know that most of our interactions are text-based because of the distance between us. And since you can’t hold my hand, these messages you find on my phone are the next best thing. I love you sweetheart!
  10. Hello, my love! I hope you are doing great. I am glad to report to you that all is going on well with me, I am very happy and optimistic that soon we will see each other again. I miss you a lot, and you are always on my mind. The clock is ticking very slowly, but soon we will be together again. You are always in my heart forever and ever!
  11. I’ll always remember our last holiday together as a married couple. That was seven months ago, when you decided it would be best if we separated, and moved back to Sweden. I agreed, but only because I knew that it would be hard for you to get a job in the States. I remember how excited we were about the future. How we were going to travel so much, and how it was going to be us two against the world. After you moved back to Sweden, my heart sank. You said everything will be fine and that Skype, Messenger and e-mail will keep us connected, but it hasn’t worked out like that, has it? You come home late from work every night so we can’t talk then either, even though you know how hard my day is at the office. We should really start working on building better habits of communicating together if our marriage is going to have any hope of improving the way things have been over the past few months…I really miss your presence there and I love you too.
  12. My Most adorable hubby, Mike! I just wish you were here to share this night with me. We are at the bonfire with my friends and no one is here to share the fun. You should have seen them all having a great time, dancing and singing songs around the fire. I so love and miss you baby!
  13. The only thing that’s getting me through this long distance relationship is the thought of us someday being together again (face to face). I hope you are taking good care of yourself and staying busy. Just know that I miss you, I love you and I can’t wait to be back in your arms again.
  14. I love you and I miss you. I think about you everyday and wish I could be closer to you. Please make sure to email or call me everyday to keep in touch. Your emails help me keep from missing you too much while I’m away. I love that we are able to be so close even when we’re so far apart.
  15. From the moment I saw you, my life changed and I associated happiness with you. Every time we touch, my heart flutters. Nothing can ever compare to the way you make me feel. You are my whole heart. I really miss you my darling husband!
  16. I miss you so much. I’m counting the days until we can be together again. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms, run my fingers through your hair and give you the longest, kindest and warmest kiss…Because that is just how much I love you.
  17. I just want you to know how much I love you and how much in love I am with you. Whenever we’re apart, my days are not the same without you. I take a moment every night to look at the stars and try to see our star that connects us somewhere. The distance between us is great, but knowing that we can see each other again gives me some comfort.
  18. How do I even begin to say how thankful I am to have you in my life. You make me more complete than I ever thought possible. We might be far apart right now, but know I will always love you, and miss you very much.
  19. Hey sweetie, we haven’t talked in a while and I miss you so much. I hope all is well and it doesn’t sound like there is anything wrong. A great big hug and kiss…I love you!
  20. Sweetheart, I miss you so much. As I sit here looking at the clock it’s just not moving fast enough for me. I can’t wait to be in your arms again. I know that you are doing what you have to do, but I just want you to come home soon. Work is not the same without you and neither is my heart. Don’t worry, I’ll be strong until you get home. My love waits for you patiently.
  21. I love you so much it hurts. I miss you every second we are apart and I can’t wait for the day we finally get to live our lives together. I know our dreams will come true, but I can’t help be slightly worried about the time it might take for us to finally be together. It seems like such a long time away, even though I know that it is just around the corner.
  22. It’s been a while since you moved away and I miss you so much that it hurts. My heart aches every day from missing you. You are the one who makes me truly happy, and without you all the joy has seemed to fade from my days – all because I am so far away from you.
  23. I’m so lucky to have you. You have made me the happiest woman alive! You make me smile every time I look into your beautiful eyes and I feel safe by your side. You are my long distance lover, my best friend and my soul mate. I love you always and forever.
  24. I am so lucky to have you, my love. Each day that passes I fall more and more in love with you. I hope we can someday be together forever. Until then sweet dreams, my dear, sweet husband.
  25. I could never see myself with anyone else but you. It may seem cheesy and romantic, but I love you like there’s no tomorrow and I need you in my life. You are kind, caring and so sweet to me. I love you!
  26. Here is to you my sweet husband. I could not forget our first anniversary so far away. Although we are miles apart and I can’t be there with you, know that I am there in heart. I hope that wherever you are, you can feel my love as I am writing this. My love will always be with you, Now and forever!
  27. I have seen my share of phone bills, but never have I seen a higher one. I guess I don’t have to tell you how much it costs to call your wife while she’s at work! I love the way you talk to me, your voice is so soothing. Even though we are far apart, you are in my heart. I wish we were closer now more than ever dearest hubby.
  28. You are the most wonderful man I have ever met. I just can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are such a huge part of me and I love you for being so sweet to me everyday, even when we are far apart.
  29. Hey love of my life, I can’t believe how much time has gone by since we last talked. I know it has been hard for you to be so far away from your family and friends but you are doing such an amazing job. I miss you with all my heart but I am so proud of the man you are turning into. Keep it up and know that I will always be cheering you on! Your Wife, Eva.
  30. Not only do I miss you right now, but I always miss you! You are so wonderful and kind, funny, romantic and loving. I just wish that we both were in the same city every day. But even so far away I love you with all my heart.
  31. My heart is made happy and full every time I think of you. My love for you grows stronger each day. Every morning I wake up and my first thought it of you. You make me so happy that it can’t help but be infectious to everyone around me.
  32. I hope you are having a great weekend. I miss you terribly and just wanted to say how much I miss you and love you. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. It means so much to me that we have this long distance relationship and that we are able to make it work. Let’s never take each other for granted!
  33. I cannot tell you how much I love you and miss you right now. You are very dear to me and are always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this message finds you safe and happy wherever you are, no matter how far.

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