thursday morning prayer for my husband

Thursday Morning Prayer For My Husband

Do you pray for your husband? Do you pray that in some way he’ll be protected as he goes off to work? You should  pray because you want him to come back home safely at the end of the day and also that he returns in a good mood. See below Thursday Morning Prayer For My Husband to send.

Thursday Morning Prayer For My Husband

  1. Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of my husband, who provides for our household and takes care of us all. I know he carries so much stress on his shoulders, and worries about us during the week. Help me thank him for what he does for us, and help me to be an encouraging wife and support to him in any way I can.
  2. Dear Lord, thank you that my husband is a hard worker. Please keep my husband safe and healthy in the workplace. Help him to be careful. Forgive us when we have quarreled. Teach us how to resolve our problems with understanding and love
  3. Dear God, please strengthen my husband and remind him of his strengths.
  4. Father, I’m trusting you for an opportunity for my husband in his job. Father, as he faces this Thursday, helps him to be steadfast in his purpose.
  5. Lift up our husband in prayer. May the Lord bless him, comfort him, and sustain him. May the Lord bless his work, firm his steps, and strengthen his hands, that he may be a source of strength to us. Turn his heart to you, O God. Open his ears to your voice and make him willing to listen. Touch his eyes with your light so that he will see you and give heed to your ways. Allow your love to flow through him and grant him the grace to grow in faith, hope, and love as he seeks you each day in prayer.
  6. Not sure what to pray on Thursday morning? Then I’d like to share some thoughts with you. If you have time, this short prayer might be a helpful tool to use the morning of your husband’s surgery.
  7. Dear God, thank you for my husband, Jason. Thank you for his understanding and humor and the way he is always looking out for me. I know it makes him tired sometimes and spreads a little too thin. I hope he knows how much I love him, especially his kids and grandkids. Keep him safe in all of his travels. Thank You again for giving us each other and love us both today. Amen.
  8. God, I pray that my husband will be a light to society. Make him a man of character and integrity. Help him to be a provider and protector for our family. Protect him from all harm this day not just physically, but spiritually too. May the enemy have no power over him and his life. Grow my husband into the greatest version of himself and mold him into a righteous man who respects you more and more each day.
  9. Today, this Thursday morning I would like to ask you a favor and that is to pray for Joe. He has been dealing with some personal stuff lately. He’s been a bit moody, distracted and frustrated even at work that he just started last week.
  10. Dear Heavenly Father, as I prepare for another day at work, I pray that you’ll protect my husband and watch over him. Please keep him safe in all of his travels and give him wisdom, patience and understanding as he deals with difficult people today. You know how discourteous, unkind and rude people can be. I ask that you surround him with your protection and bless his interactions with the people who will cross his path today. In your name I pray, Amen.
  11. Lord, thank you for my husband, who brings me joy and peace each day. Thank you for his smile, his arms around me, and his heart that beats with love only for me.
  12. Dear God, I thank you for this new day which you’ve given me. I want to ask you to bless my husband. Please help him find his way back to your arms and give him peace. Help us to make decisions which are in line with your holy word so that we will glorify you. Grant him a long life and let him be always healthy, happy and well. Thank you for your kindness, glory to Your name. AMEN.
  13. Dear Lord, please watch over my husband and keep him safe.   …….Amen.
  14. Dear Lord, please help my husband with his cancer. I know that you have the power to heal him. He is a great man, with a kind heart, and he does so much for me. He works hard and takes care of us.
  15. Lord, thank you for waking my husband up early on Thursday to help me with getting the kids ready for school. You are so good to us. Please bless my family.
  16. Dear LORD, Today I lift my husband up to you and ask that you would guide him and watch over him. Help him feel a part of the team so that he may become a master builder in the house. Let his words be filled with grace, mercy and charity. Lead him to make wise decisions during his work day that reflect your wisdom.
  17. Dear God, I cannot thank you enough for the husband you have provided to me. He loves me and has become a better person because of you.
  18. Let us pray. Dear God, I pray for my husband today. We thank you for the gift of marriage and for all of the blessings it brings to us.
  19. I thank you, Lord, that you are my stronghold and my ruler, the rock of my salvation. Bless my husband this Thursday morning.
  20. “God, help my husband in his battles today. Please protect him, especially his health and safety. Let him have a good time at work today and make all of his clients happy.
  21. Dear Lord, I thank You for the man You have put in my life to be my husband. I love him with all of my heart and cherish every moment we spend together. Please help him keep an open heart for Your guidance and Your calling in his life. The days have been getting longer since we are already in June, but the days have been getting shorter since he gets off work at 3:00pm. It has forced us to reflect on what is truly important in our busy lives, which is each other.
  22. Dear Lord, please guide my husband today during his workday. Please give him the strength he needs to defend Your word and Your gospel. Give him peace knowing that You will use his work to help others find their way to You. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
  23. Dear God, thank you for this new Thursday. I need encouragement and strength to face it. Help me through my husband’s grief and worry, Amen.
  24. Dear Lord, please watch over my husband this Thursday. Please give him one more day to share his love with me. Help him be the best he can be at work and wherever he goes. Guide him in making the best decision for our family today. Please keep his mind and heart open to your messages today, Lord. Forgive him of any sins he may have committed against you or others, especially me, and help us forgive each other a lot more easily too. And help us trust each other more. Amen.
  25. Dear God, please guide my husband as he makes decisions today. He needs wisdom and enlightenment. Please help him make good choices for his family and for himself. Please give him peace in knowing that I pray for him everyday. Amen.
  26. Dear God, I pray that you fill my husband’s heart with joy, confidence, and peace. I pray that he will be restored from all the hurt he has experienced in his childhood, and that you will give him strength and courage to face the world. I pray that he finds the true purpose of life – love for you and for those who surround him most closely.
  27. Dear Lord, thank you that the day is just around the corner. Thank you for this new day and the opportunities it brings. Help my husband to be his best self. Help him to choose the right words and do the best deeds, Allow him to respect others in his attitude and behavior. Let him be pleasant, happy, peaceful and loving. Let us open our hearts when we talk to each other. Give us joy and make us feel good about ourselves and one another as we go through our lives together. Amen.
  28. This is a prayer for you, Brad. He is the best man I have ever known. He’s the kind of guy who puts everyone else before himself. He’s compassionate and caring and so freaking smart! He loves me, and he loves and supports me no matter what I decide to do. I pray that God blesses this marriage, fills us with lasting joy together and that He makes us still see each other as we were when we first met.
  29. Dear Lord, I pray for my husband Jim. I thank you that he is mine to love and enjoy. I thank you for his health and strength. People often have a spouse who is not as strong as he should be. You have given Jim the strength to do many good things, and also the patience to deal with me.
  30. Lord, thank you for all the things that you have done for me today. Thank you for all the blessings that you have given me, no matter how large or small. I pray for my husband this Thursday morning, that he may find peace in this crazy world.
  31. Dear Lord, bless my husband, Lloyd. Open the windows of his heart to you and flood him with your love. May he be filled with wonder each morning as he awakens to see a new day in your creation. Lord God, may he hear your still, small voice guiding him through each day as you continue to unfold your plan for his life.
  32. O Lord, I lift up (insert husband’s name here) to you this morning. Please guide him and protect him through the day.
  33. As this week comes to an end, I pray for safety and protection for John as he leads our family this Thursday morning. I pray that he is kept from all harm, safe from any accidents or illness, and reminded of his unfailing strength.
  34. Dear God, I’m not always so good at thanking you for my husband and all you have given to me. But today I made it a point to say thank you. I’d like to share with you what he did this week and why I am grateful to you for him.

Also See: Thursday Prayer For Family And Friends

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