Trust Me When I Say I Love You Because I Will Always Mean It

Trust Me When I Say I Love You Because I Will Always Mean It

I’m guessing you are at the point in your relationship where you simply don’t know how to say “I love you.”  If you are looking for Trust me when I say I love you because I will always mean it quotes and messages, then you are in the right place.

Trust Me When I Say I Love You Because I Will Always Mean It Quotes

  1. I want you to know that I’m so sorry if I hurt you at all. You are my world, my everything. If a tear is shed while we sleep, know that it is one of love so deep. If I don’t pick up the phone when you call, know that I am still thinking of you, and eventually I will call when I am able. Because at the end of the day, I trust you and don’t doubt your love for me. I love you and I mean it!
  2. The feelings I have for you are so strong, so powerful that they are beyond any word that I could possibly say. They will never change, they will never falter. You have my heart and that’s forever. I love you and I mean it!
  3. I’ve been in love before, but never like this. It is the most amazing feeling in the world and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. When you look into my eyes I can see your heart, and when you kiss me I know you mean it. Trust it when I say I love you, and I mean it!
  4. I see all the good in you. I see a kind, caring man that has so much to offer the world. I see a sweet and thoughtful boyfriend who deserves all the happiness in the world. I know deep down that someday you will find it, but for now just bask in your own goodness. Make others feel loved and appreciated because you are more than that yourself. I love you more than words could ever express, Believe me!
  5. I love you more than you can ever imagine. I can’t bear to imagine a world without you. As much as the thought scares me, I know the world would be dark and cold if I didn’t have you. You are my world and I feel so lucky that you love me too. If our love was a star, it would shine brighter than any other in the galaxy; because our love is pure and we are meant to be together. Believe me when I say that I love you, and I mean it!
  6. You just don’t know how much you mean to me. I’ve been lost without your smile and happy face. You make it so easy to love you and I do in every way possible. I can’t imagine my life without being with you everyday, cheering you up and seeing your bright eyes again. You bring out the best in me, teach me something new and make me feel like we are one of a kind. I am blessed for finding someone like you, Believe me when I say that I love you, and I mean it!
  7. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. I love you so much even if words alone can’t describe how I feel. It would take a lifetime to figure out what it is I see in you, but you are everything. You are my life my reason for living. Now and forever my heart beats inside your chest, and only now do I know how much joy can be had from this world.
  8. You are the reason I get up every day. You make my life so happy and full of joy. Everyday with you just gets better and better. I’ll never stop loving you, because if I did my life would feel like it had no meaning. Believe me when I say that I love you, and I mean it!
  9. I know you feel alone, you are the only one who gets it but no one can help you deal with it. I want to be there for you, show you that I will be there whenever you need me. I want to make everything better, I want to take your pain away and do something about it. I just don’t know how!
  10. Trust me when I say I love you because I will always mean it. All those times I said it meant nothing to me, were the most painful times in my life. I need you to know how much I truly love you even though we are apart. When you are hurt, so am I, and loving you is the biggest risk I have taken in my life. My love for you is as deep as the ocean and growing larger every day!
  11. I promised to trust you, I promised that the trust will be reciprocal. I promised to take care of you, keep you happy and safe. I promise to always be there for you, listen to your crazy stories and be your go-to movie date. Whatever life throws at us we can deal with it together because we have each other. I love you and every time I say it always mean it.
  12. You are so much to me, and your presence in my life has meant everything. If I could have written a love letter to you when we first started dating, this would be it. I love you and I mean it!
  13. I have fallen madly in love with you and I don’t ever want to let go. I will never break your heart because I can’t stand the thought of you being away from me. So don’t cry anymore my baby, at least not when we’re apart. Just remember that I am always here for you and no one else. If you ever doubt my love, just look into my eyes and feel all the tender touches that I intend to give you. I love you and I mane it dear!
  14. I could not imagine loving anyone else the way I love you. I know that you sometimes doubt my feelings because we fight so much. I only want what is best for us and that is why our relationship takes hard work to succeed. I will never give up on us, and most importantly, neither should you! Trust me when I say I love you because I will always mean it.
  15. No matter where we go or what we do I will always love you and I mean it. I have your back and that’s for good. I trust you completely and my love for you will remain steady. Love is not always perfect but it is worth fighting for
  16. Trust me when I say I love you because I will always mean it. I do not know how you feel right now. But I do know how you felt yesterday, the day before and last month. Our love has grown stronger through the years and though we have experienced a bumpy road or two, I believe that we are here now because there is something special between us. I will always trust you with my heart and desire to be by your side for all eternity.
  17. You have done so much for me, giving all of you. You have gone through so much as we both have. I know life isn’t always easy, but you smile when I need it the most. what I can say is: I love you and I will always be here for you…I mean it dearie!
  18. I love you, my dearest husband, and I meant it. You have given me a constant wealth of support and encouragement throughout the years. I love the way we are still able to be best friends, always lifting each other up. Thank you for being a wonderful father to our boys and always being so involved in their lives. With every new day I feel more in love with you and know that God has blessed me more than I deserve.
  19. I was reading through an old message from you that you had sent me and it made me smile just as much today as the day I had read it. The words of adoration, Trust me when I say I love you because I will always mean it. You are one of the only few who have been able to break through my wall and make me open up to you. Looking back on all the memories we’ve had, being with you makes life so worth living.
  20. You can always trust me to tell you I love you. No matter what I’ll always mean it. I love that you’re the one person in my life who makes me feel like everything is going to be ok. I just want to make sure that you know how much I love you, how thankful I am for our time together. You are my very best friend, and I will always be here for you no matter what.
  21. Trust me when I say I love you because I know what it feels like to have a broken heart. When someone that you love says they will never leave only to watch them walk out the door. When someone says that they love you, but they’re just not in love with you anymore and all you can do is stand there helplessly while your heart crumbles into a million pieces.
  22. I know it’s not as easy to believe that I love you, but I do. I know it will take time to trust me again, but I am willing to work at it. Please don’t give up on us. I will never intentionally hurt you again. It may be impossible for you to forgive me, but if you can try, I promise nothing will ever come between us again. If loving someone is a choice then I choose you because my heart beats a little
  23. I love you, and I don’t want to cause you any pain but sometimes life throws you curveballs. I have always been faithful to you, and have never thought of anyone else. But if I meant anything at all to you, then please just trust me when I say that I love you.
  24. I promise to tell you every day how much I love and care for you. I know that its not as easy for you as it is for me to say it, so please, understand that I love you more than anything or anyone else in this world. Always remember that my heart belongs to you because it always has, and always will.
  25. I know I say it all the time, but I need you to know I mean it a million times more than I could ever express. You are the most important thing in my life. My feelings are real and honest and true. You have every part of me and I love you endlessly! Love you!
  26. Just when I think it’s possible not to love you more than I did yesterday, I realize I was wrong because my love for you gets stronger. You are the one for me and it’s obvious to anyone who sees us together. May all your dreams come true! Trust me when I say I love you because I will always mean it. I love you to the moon and back.
  27. I love you beyond words. I don’t know what I would do without you, you’re my world and all I can think about are those wonderful times we have together. You bring something to my life that I could never replace or find again. Love always. I Love You Baby, to the ends of the Earth, back and through again, Trust me!
  28. I know it must be hard to believe but I am so in love with you. You are so wonderful and amazing, someone like you doesn’t come around very often.
  29. Trust me when I say that your sense of humor has helped me deal with a lot and I love you. I can always come to you for support and you are always there for me. I treasure every crazy moment we share and look forward to so many more laughs in the future. You really are my best friend!

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