Tuesday Morning Prayer For Myself

Tuesday Morning Prayer For Myself

Tuesday Morning Prayer For Myself. I used this prayer to help me remember why I do what I do, which is helping others learn about Jesus. I hope that you can use this prayer for yourself whenever you need motivation.

Tuesday Morning Prayer For Myself

  1. Dear God, thank you for waking me up today. I am so grateful to be alive, even though I feel tired. I am thankful that I don’t have any big tests or projects due at school. Give me the patience to deal with bullies at school, and help me get through my classes with ease. Patience is a virtue and I will practice it today by listening to my teachers.
  2. Every day, I open my eyes and smile at the world in wonder. I can’t get over how much I love my life. It keeps getting better, and it’s all because of you.
  3. Dear God, Forgive me for my sins and be with me today. I live in a crazy world that can have a lot of worries and stress. Let me shed them all. Help me remember to seek your guidance for each day as I go through it. Thank you God for all the challenges that allow me to grow, but also help me remember that sometimes I must stand still and absorb what I have grown from.
  4. God, thank you for keeping me safe in your hands. Thank you for the love and care when I think I can’t go on. Thank you for these struggles, to show me in a deeper way that I need you.
  5. Dear God, I just want to take this time to say thank you. Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to get through each day. I sometimes wonder why things are hard, but then I realize that without darkness there can be no light. Without sadness there is no happiness. Without trials you can’t appreciate when your life gets better. I am grateful for what I have and for all that you have given me. Please continue to lead me in the right direction and give me the strength to excel.
  6. I pray that my heart may always be open to every form of love, and that I may learn to understand the mystery of other persons lives, and respect their truths. Thank you Lord!
  7. Oh, Great Spirit of the Universe, teach me to see the good in life. I seek to be thankful for my health and all the things that I have. Please, Great Spirit, help me overcome the sadness and despair in my life. I need your help.
  8. Dear God, please help me to let go of my ego and pride. This person meant so much to me that I am unable to forget her and move on. Please help me to learn a lesson by following in her footsteps.
  9. Waking up to another Tuesday, I look to you Lord for help. As I start my day, let me remember to be gentle with myself and with others as well. Let love flow through all I do and say this day, so that all things are done in your holy name. Let thoughts of my faults, seeming imperfections and falls too go from my mind so thy true image shines through me today. Please keep me from judging others or from being critical.
  10. Lord, each Tuesday morning, I wake up and have a quiet time in prayer. I ask for your guidance and protection for the coming week. Guide me in saying and doing the things that would be pleasing to you. Lead me safely through each day and night. Help me to speak words of wisdom and live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Keep my mind clear, my thoughts positive and my health strong.
  11. My dear God, today is going to be an awesome day for me. I’m feeling so happy and positive. Help me to let go of all the things that keep me from being happy and focus on others joys. Like with my husband, my children, my friends and even strangers. I pray that you help me to smile more and read self-help books every week. Give me the energy and motivation I need to get through this week.
  12. Good morning, God. I just woke up and I want to take the time to thank you for another day. I’m so grateful to be alive. My life is truly a blessing and I want to make the best of it. Thank you for protecting me, for watching over me so closely and for keeping me safe. Another big thank you goes out to you for blessing me with such amazing friends/family that support my endeavors and love me unconditionally.
  13. Dear God, as I take this moment to speak with you, the creator of my mind and my body. I thank You for the strength and desire that you have planted in my soul, the urge to carry on despite the tragedy of long suffering. I humbly ask that you keep me upright and help me to remain who I was made to be, a person with hope and a passion for life. Amen!
  14. Lord, today I ask for help in making sound decisions. Give me the will to conquer my bad habits and replace them with good ones. Give me the courage to do what is right and not necessarily what is easy. Let today be a day of positive accomplishments in my life and let me find the strength within myself to give it all I’ve got.
  15. Lord, teach me both to hope and to be patient; lest I come short of perfection. Let me not so much wish for more time as for more wisdom and grace; that I may more faithfully fulfill the work Thou hast given me. Make me ever mindful of death, and of the shortness of life; and make me a cheerful giver of myself to Thee and to others. May thy candle brighten in my heart, that I may never be satisfied with anything less than heaven.
  16. Almighty God, I am a sinner and I humbly repent for my sins. Lead me away from the dangers that threaten my life and towards the land of the living. Strengthen me Lord to be true to myself in all situations and circumstances. In Your Holy Name I pray, Amen!
  17. Dear God, please help me open my eyes today to all the wonderful things that you have created in this life and point me toward your goodness. Help me to listen when I am in need of guidance and direction. Help me keep a positive attitude no matter how much negativity is going on around me. Tonight I pray that my heart will be full of love for my family, friends and those dear to my heart and for only you, Lord knows!
  18. Dear Lord, thank you so much for the special day that you have made and the love I feel inside. As I oppose my problems I can only imagine the joy you have in store. Help me to be patient with myself and all around me as I do my best not to give up on this precious gift call life.
  19. Dear God, I pray for the strength to continue my journey. Guide me along my path, and keep my heart and mind open. I pray for the happiness of his family. And that God will bless you with every joy and comfort your heart could ever desire.
  20. Dear Lord, please help me know what my true purpose is in life. Please help me find happiness and peace within myself. I need your help right now… I can’t do this by myself. I’m a mess. Show me the way, dear lord and my savior Jesus Christ.
  21. God, please show me what you want me to know and help me grow. I am listening today, I am growing today.
  22. I pray to the Universe, God and all enlightened beings for happiness, love, friendship, connection to the divine and inner peace. May I discover my soul mate and may we always be there for one another. I ask my angelic guides to help me along my journey, and watch over me as I make my way through this life.
  23. It’s only Tuesday my day to worship myself, so I thought I would pray for myself…Lord please help me get through this work week. God please keep the energy in my legs. Dear Lord please work a miracle on my feet and make them quit hurting so much. Please let me sleep well tonight and wake up refreshed. If I’m going out tonight Lord will you help me find a great outfit and some good friends to go out with? And most importantly God please never take away my faith.
  24. Dear God, only You have the power to help me. I don’t have much faith in myself; only knowing that with You I can make those dreams come true. Please help me, guide me and protect me. I place my faith in You this Tuesday morning; please forgive me for my wrong doings and don’t forget about me during the day. Bless my family and friends, keep them safe from harm and danger. Please let someone notice how special I am, show them my potentials.
  25. Dear God, I pray that you bless me with peace, patience and positivity today! Although I am devastated and heartbroken, send your light to bring peace to my soul. Thank-you.
  26. God, please give me the strength to get through this week. Help me to be my true self at work and out on the town. Guide me towards success in my career and love life. Lead me back to the path of peace and happiness.
  27. Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart. Please give me the strength to get through this day. Please guide my decisions and help me to stay strong in the face of adversity. I need strength, guidance, and bravery now more than ever before. Help me feel your love in this difficult time. Thank you for all that you do. Amen.
  28. Powerful Lord I thank you for another day. Thank you for the chance to live another day and for another chance to make things right. I pray to give me the strength, wisdom and courage to do the things that I have to do during this day. Bless me with confidence and help me not to give up when things get tough. I pray that I will always have faith in you no matter what. For it is in Faith that miracles are possible.
  29. My God, I pray for strength to carry on; courage to conquer all obstacles; wisdom to answer my problems with dispatch; love and compassion for all mankind; forgiveness of my faults and shortcomings. Help me to help others . . . . Amen!
  30. Please be with me. Guide me. Show and direct me in your way. Let my actions be inspired by your Spirit. Anoint me with your love so that I may reach out to those around me in need of comfort, compassion, and love. Only with you, Lord, can I truly find the meaning for life and the power to overcome all obstacles that come my way.
  31. I pray for strength to keep my faith, health and peace. I ask for forgiveness and guidance. I thank God for being in my life, being good to myself and blessing me everyday.
  32. Lord, I thank you for bringing me to this place in life. I am here because of your infinite grace – I am here because you love me. I am asking for guidance and wisdom; the ability to see clearly my current situation, and the strength to make decisions that are good for myself and those around me.
  33. Lord, forgive me for the angry and frustrated things I have said. I have much to be grateful for! Let me not forget that in marriage, I can always turn to you for help. You will solve my problems happily and quickly! Today I pray that all my worries will be replaced with peace and contentment.

Also See: Tuesday Morning Prayer For My Love

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