Wednesday Morning Prayers And Blessings Quotes

Sample Wednesday Morning Prayers And Blessings Quotes

Wednesday is the day where we practice the week’s prayers and blessings. Today’s freshest on Wednesday morning prayers and blessings will inspire you and improve your mood.

Wednesday Morning Prayers And Blessings Quotes

  1. Blessings and positive thoughts for the most beautiful day of the week: Wednesday. Hopefully giving you reasons to smile in a special way, making your day better and brighter. Also, I ask Allah to bless your life in many ways: To protect you, guide you and make you feel loved. May Allah wake you up with his blessings, in the morning.
  2. May we enjoy the gift of seeing each other’s bright faces this morning. Let us be generous and open-hearted to those around us. Life is uncertain. Appreciate each moment.
  3. My darling sister, may your life be abundant with love and blessings. Be filled with God’s warmth that permeates your soul and brings happiness to you and your loved ones. May peace, blessings and joy be upon you.
  4. Lord, today I thank you for the gift of life. I thank you for all of your works and creations of this world. I ask that you bless my family and friends and protect them in your care. This year I will walk safely even after sunset. My family will be well fed every day. I pray for these as I might as well live a longer life than my fathers and mothers did.
  5. I know it’s only been a couple of days since I last saw you but I can’t wait to be in your loving embrace again. You mean more to me than you will ever realize and I cherish every moment we get to share together. I love you, my sweetheart!
  6. I hope you can read this. It doesn’t matter if you cannot hear it, just know that I am by your side and I love you very much. I hope to be there when they take your little body off the ventilator and into a room where we can rejoice in your recovery and celebrate our lives again! Until then my friend, I will continue to pray for you and talk to you nonstop. I keep thinking of how much you must be suffering right now.
  7. Moon and stars above, Sun shine brightly, Love lies still asleep. I’ll say it once again: “I love you”. Good morning sweetheart.
  8. Blessed is Wednesday, sealed with the sweetest kiss, there’s something new dawning and it isn’t a sunset. There are still things left to do but with you I’ve already won whatever. I love the way you make me feel.
  9. Good morning! I just want to wish you a great day, as well as tell you I love and appreciate you very much. I hope you have a beautiful Wednesday and that you are enjoying the beginning of the week. Take care and stay positive!!
  10. For this week and the coming weeks. To keep safe the things that are dear to you and protect you in all the moment of your life. May you have the perfect health, joy and peace to fill your hearts with love and happiness.
  11. I pray that we all have a strong and healthy heart. I pray that everyone and everything will be safe. I pray for clean water, food, love, and a better world.
  12. I humbly pray that good health and divine favor be our companion in all we do today as we continue to fulfill our honorable duties. I pray that every blessing and much success will be bestowed upon us. I am also praying for the safety of all other travelers who are of good heart and upstanding. On this festival day may you feel joy by enjoying the company of your family and friends. May the song of praises, your greatest duet with God, always be on your lips.
  13. I pray you have a beautiful day. You deserve only the best. I’m keeping you in my mind today. I hope your Wednesday is filled with love and light
  14. I wish you a happy day, enjoy each moment of your life, be always at peace and gather only positive emotions around you, have blessed Wednesday.
  15. As you walk through your days, let God’s blessings flow and surround you with his divine light. Surround yourself with beauty, love, joy and happiness every day.  Be positive each day too as life is a beautiful gift that we should all be thankful for.
  16. I wish you the power of light to guide you throughout your entire day. May all your endeavors be blessed with divine intervention and god’s protection. I hope to see you later.
  17. Thank you, God, for my health, family and friends. Thank you for the occasion of this day and the knowledge that each day is a special gift to be treasured.
  18. No matter how bad my day may seem, I find myself feeling special and happy whenever I think of you. Good morning!
  19. Each and every day a blessing is waiting for you when you get up. But if you don’t look for it, that blessing will pass right by you.
  20. Every day I thank God for creating you, and that I didn’t miss that sign when I was looking at the teddy bears, I thank God for giving me such a wonderful friend. I am privileged to have you as my best friend and confidant.
  21. Bless those who have shared your bed and board, even if they don’t deserve it. Bless those who have shared your table and your fire, even if they couldn’t repay it.
  22. I pray that your day is filled with warmth, happiness and love. I pray that you are never lost, instead guided by the hand of God through all you do. I will always be here for you, no matter the distance that comes between us. Love and happiness, Wednesday morning prayer and blessings
  23. Every morning when I wake up, I pray: “Thank you God for the gift of another day and all its opportunities”. Wednesday Morning Blessings Dear god, thank you for my life, my health and family. Please help me to be more patient with my husband and co-workers today. Give me strength to overcome all the difficulties that come my way in order to deal with them as they come. Thank you god for all the good things you have given me I love you and Amen.
  24. I love you Wednesday morning! I love how your name is only one, how you come after all the other days, but how you are still the best day ever. Always feel free to share what’s on your mind and take a seat, no matter where I am, because I’d rather spend this time with you.
  25. My father said that every morning prayers and blessings are important, as it makes us healthy, wealthy and wise. He used to say, “you need to take some time during the day and go to your special place, your church or chapel. It should be quiet where you can relax, meditate and contemplate. Listen to your heart and soul.”
  26. Wednesday morning is a special day. It is the beginning of your week; therefore, on this great day we are going to prepare you some nice lines and wishes that will make your week even better.
  27. This is a very good note to send to your friends or loved ones on Wednesday morning. The note can be sent to anyone who is the part of your life and you want to bless their day.
  28. I hope your day becomes morning; I hope your evening is blessed. I wish you get up early just to say it’s a new day you’ve been born.
  29. Dear Lord, thank you for this day, for my health and all the friends around me. I pray that you will help me to be grateful for all the things I have and to give people love.
  30. As I step out of bed it’s a new day and with each move, I make I pray that you continue to guide me and protect me. Goodness flows from above on Wednesday morning as our souls become one.
  31. Hope your Wednesday is a good one. May you and yours be in good health, feel loved, safe and happy.
  32. Thank you, God, for waking me up this morning and giving me another day to live and serve you!
  33. My prayer for you today is that you are filled with peace and strength. My wish for you is that you find the joy in serving others, spread love everywhere you go, and have the strength to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I hope your start to your day is peaceful.
  34. Good day to you my lovely brother or sister friends, please pray for those of us who are seeking the truth. Perhaps a divine prompting or spiritual moment will illuminate our souls today. I think we all need encouragement from the Holy Spirit that God wants us to be successful in our search. Pray also for those of us who have made mistakes in our lives and need divine help to overcome them as well. God bless you all and keep you safe out there.
  35. As the New Moon rises, may you be Blessed with a week full of health, happiness, peace and love.
  36. We need to remember that like the leaf falls off a tree and becomes part of the air we breathe so do our prayers go up and come down as blessings. No matter when you pray, morning, noon, or night, your prayer is being answered at that very moment. God answers our prayers immediately, even if it may not be the answer we wanted. He is always near us and listens to every word we say.:
  37. And for the other things, His blessings are already there, surrounding you. You only let them in when you choose to let go of what troubles us. I am here because I love you, and I want to help you. Your beautiful soul deserves so much love, and so many blessings. All those feeling of pain, it’s there to show you that this is not where your true self belongs!
  38. May the words and prayers of our heart be heard. May we act wisely in all we say or do. May we treat others with respect, and spread love to the world. I talk to God every morning before I go to work, thanking Him for one more day of life, hoping that my actions will be that much more meaningful. I pray for a better world and ask God to guide me to follow His path. Prayers are so important if you truly believe in something.
  39. Good morning! My day is going to be better after this message, which gives hope and blessings on the upcoming day. May all your problems go away with each second on this day! I wish you a wonderful start of Wednesday.
  40. May you always walk in His steps and be righteous in Him. Give us the strength to face our challenges and to overcome, greater wisdom to discern the will of God, more courage in the face of evil, and a deeper commitment to serve God, family and fellow man. Lord has Mercy.

Also See: Happy Wednesday Love Quotes

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