You Get On My Nerves But I Love You Quotes

You Get On My Nerves But I Love You Quotes

You get on my nerves but i love you quotes – When a spouse or partner is driving you crazy, it can be hard to show them you care. Touching words of love at the right time can go a long way toward being a helpful resource for your partner, and making your relationship grow stronger.

Here is a list of the best and sweet you get on my nerves but i love you quotes.

You Get On My Nerves But I Love You Quotes

You get on my nerves, but I love you. You annoy me, but I love you. You frustrate me to no end, but I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so thankful for everything you have done for me. I love you!

 I don’t know if you think deeply about this, but it just amuses me. I was just thinking along the lines of how a couple that gets in fights still seems to love each other. The argument is just a method of expressing the real emotion that is lost between the two people. They get on each others nerves, and because they love each other, there is always an apology after they argue.

 I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t know why it is so hard to fall asleep at night, but I am guessing it is because I am up all night thinking about you. I love you.

 Why do you have to be so cute? I love you so much and I’ll say it as many times as I can. I didn’t know what it was like to be this happy and in love but I never want it to end. You’re my everything.

 I’m irritated that you don’t get my jokes, but I’d much rather you be honest than laugh with me when you don’t think something is funny. I hate when we fight but I can’t be mad at you for long because I love you unconditionally and am perfectly imperfect because of it.

 I really don’t like you right now. I know that you really don’t like me either. But I love you with all my heart and will forever love you.

 I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I promise to laugh with our family, love your children as if they were my own, and grow old with you by my side.

 I know I get on your nerves sometimes, but you make me so angry that I just can’t help myself. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you!

 Hey love, I don’t get on your nerves. I am the person who never leaves you with that awful feeling in your stomach that you can never get rid of, and I will never make you cry. Every time I see a tear stain your cheek I dream that one day it will be me wiping it away with kisses. It may make me angry sometimes but I love it!

 I love you my friend. Even when we get on each other’s nerves, and we fight like cats and dogs. I love you no matter what. We are connected at the soul.

 I get on your nerves don’t I? I know the feeling, but you can never stay mad at me too long. I just love being near you, spending time with you. I smile like an idiot all the time when we’re together. Yesterday was so great! You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

I don’t get you, I don’t like you, but when you disappear, I really miss you.

You get on my nerves but I love you. I can’t imagine a day without you by my side. The only thing I want is for you to be happy, just don’t forget me when your famous!

 You get on my nerves sometimes but you know I still love you. Keep your chin up high and remember that I am always here for you. Do not believe what others say because they may be jealous of our relationship. Remember that it is better to have someone who loves you than to have nobody at all.

 i may not be the most romantic girl in the world but i want you to know that if you need anything, i’ll always be there for you. remember how we met? it was serendipity. it was fate. it was destiny. i don’t know what you believe in but i do know my time with you is never wasted because i treasure each and every moment spent together. no matter what happens between us, ill always love you.

 I’ve always heard that there’s a fine line between love and hate, but I don’t believe it. For me, there is no line; There is only you being the most beautiful girl in the world. And no matter how much you bug me, I can’t help but love you.

 I love you even though you make me feel crazy. I love you even thought I don’t always understand you. I love you even though it makes me feel sad that there is no one else who really gets me like you do. I love you.

 I may not tell you this often enough, but I will say it a million times. I LOVE YOU! You mean the world to me and keeping you close to my heart is everything that I will ever need. You are my best friend and my soul mate! I am so lucky to have you and can’t wait for our future forever together.

 I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and I am so lucky to have found you! You are more than I could have ever wished for. My heart beats only for you and it belongs to you. When I think of my future, all I can see is your beautiful face in my mind; it brings such joy to me.

 You get on my nerves you drive me crazy but I swear I wouldn’t want to spend a day without you in my life. i love you and i love how you make me laugh when im down.

 You get on my nerves like crazy but I love you more than anything. When our hearts beat together, they make only beats of happiness. You make me so happy that I catch myself smiling all day long! You are the one I have been looking for my entire life, and you just happened to cross my path (not by accident). I have never been happier than when I’m with you.

 Well, I have had a long day, not much sleep. I am tired, but greatly so full of love for you. I was thinking of you all day. You are such a big part of my life that I don’t know what I would do without you. Everything would be boring if it weren’t for the time we spent together. Being with you drives me crazy sometimes, but I love everything about you. It was another great day with you baby. Goodnight

 Slipping on a banana peel is the easiest thing to do. The hardest part of falling in love with you is getting up.

 Ever wondered how to tell your boyfriend you love him whilst avoiding an awkward post-break up scenario? Well I have the answer for you. This is a list of the best ways to let your boyfriend know that you love him, without the risk of it coming back to bite you!

 Sometimes I get so mad at you that I just want to scream out. But then I think of all the things that you have done and I can’t let those feelings of anger overwhelm me. I know that life isn’t always easy and there will be hard times, but we will weather them together.

 I am so thankful to have you in my life. I know our love is hard sometimes and can even be a little bit exhausting, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It just means we are growing closer and finding new ways to love one another.

 So, sometimes I get on your nerves but remember that I love you so much. I just want to be with you and make you happy.

 No matter how much you get on my nerves, I love you!

 I love you. I already knew that of course, but now I’m saying it out loud instead of in my head. And this time I mean it with all my heart and soul. You are perfect to me and I adore every part of you, even the crazy parts I wish you’d get control over.

 I love you so much. I don’t say it enough. I wish I could take all your pain away and make your life full of only joy. I would bring you coffee everyday before work, chocolate, flowers and love. You are my little ray of sunshine that warms my cold heart at every chance. Every time we kiss my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute I fall more in love.

 You can’t always tell if you are attracted to a person when you first meet them but as time passes, those butterflies in your stomach begin to form. At first you try to control them and then they quickly spread to the rest of your body. As those butterflies grow you begin to realize what true love really is. I have found that feeling and its been with me since our first date. Every day I feel more confident and fearless. I know we will spend the rest of our lives together forever.

 I think I will always love you, even when I hate you, because if I ever stopped loving you that would mean I had stopped loving myself and I couldn’t do that to myself. That’s not the case though, I could never stop loving you, no matter how much you hurt me. Because without you, my world would be so empty, even if it is filled with your tears and your pain.

 I know sometimes I can be a bug or even a pain but I’ll never stop loving you and I know you won’t either.

 I know at times I can be a bit annoying and childish and annoying but please know that it’s not an act with me, this is just who I am. I don’t mean to be, but I love you and that’s just the way it goes.

 I know we fight, but you make me so happy that I can’t stop smiling. You are the only one for me, and you know that we were meant to be together. Even with all the arguments I still think you are the best thing that ever happened to me, and will keep happening.

 I hate you, I love you. I miss you, I’m pissed at you. I can’t explain the way I feel about you. You’ve ruined me for anyone else. If I had it my way…

 I’m pretty sure that if you talked to your friends about me the way you talk to your friends, they would be jealous.

 I give up – I can’t fight it. The more I beg, the wilder you get. And I know that if you let me go now, it would kill me. I don’t want to hear about you with other guys. All I can think of is that you belong to me and no one else. It’s not fair to always be the jealous one, but that doesn’t make it any less true. My love for you has grown

 I’ll admit it. I still get chills when I look at how happy we are together. Sometimes I even get jealous at how found of each other we are. I want to show you off, but can’t because you are mine. Thank you for being the most loving and passionate person I know.

 I love you so much my heart aches!

 I love the way you get on my nerves because it always reminds me that I’m alive. I love the way you challenge me to be a better person. You give meaning to my life. I’ll never stop loving you, no matter what happens in the future.

 Never have I ever felt about anybody like I feel about you. You are the pain in my back but I suffer because of it because it’s a reminder that you’re mine. Yes you drive me crazy, yes we fight a lot but I would never change you for anything in this world. You are perfect to me and no matter what happens I know that you are meant to be mine.

 It’s so hard to tell you how I feel and my heart races every time I do. It hurts to think about you but a miracle that you are mine. You always know what to say, angering me sometimes with a simple glance. You make me angry but bring a smile at the same time and I love you even more for it!

 You know how much I love you right? You’re like the sun in my day; I can’t imagine waking up in the morning and not seeing you. We fight sometimes, but we love each other so much. I love you baby!

 Being with you is like a bee buzzing around inside my heart and it’s really annoying and makes me want to run away at times. But I have to stay, I love you and I love being with you! Everyday just seems so much better when I am with you.

 I have never said this to anyone, much less like this! All day I think about you, and can’t help but feel grateful for you. I just want you to know how much it means that you are my boyfriend. I thank my lucky stars every day that we have found each other!

 I know we fight a lot, but you have to know I love you and it’s not because of who you are now, but who you will become.

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